What Does It Matter To Floridians If Florida Goes Underwater Anyway? – CleanTechnica

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What’s worse — living with your head under the sand or your head under the water? Well, in the case of Florida, it seems people are eager to do both. Of course, the problem is that a human cannot survive with their head buried in sand or with their head submerged under water for long. Don’t tell a Floridan that, though! They’ll outlaw mentioning the dilemma!

My daughters learned this past week from me that Florida is likely to go under water at some point. They said that I should write about that on CleanTechnica!! I told them we had, many times, and that this is quite well known. “What? And people aren’t doing anything about it?” I explained that many people are working to do something about it, and that’s what CleanTechnica is all about — covering progress on cleantech solutions aimed at stopping global heating and encouraging more people to adopt cleantech solutions like electric cars and solar power. I added that although that’s the case, we still aren’t doing enough, and more likely than not, Florida (where we live) will go under water one day.

Then, a day or two later, I read this article from Steve Hanley. “The Florida legislature is considering House Bill 1645, which would delete the phrase ‘climate change’ where it is used eight times in current state law. (In seven other instances, it would be left untouched.) In addition, the bill would repeal entire sections of law that mention climate change, such as a grant program that helps local governments and school districts reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Steve writes. What? Seriously? And that’s not the worst of it!

“According to the Tampa Bay Times, the bill would also reduce certain regulations on natural gas pipelines, preempt local governments’ control over the location of natural gas storage facilities, and make it so state agencies and local governments no longer have to consider fuel efficiency when buying vehicles, among other changes. Recently we reported on how fossil fuel interests are fighting for local control over solar and wind energy installations. Hypocrisy doesn’t even make these people blush. It’s what they do, all day, every day.

“Another provision in the law would prohibit utility companies from supplying electricity to customers who charge their electric cars at home. That provision may or may not make it into the final version of the bill, but it shows the lengths MAGA lunatics are willing to go to in order to suck up to fossil fuel companies.”

Yikes. Talk about moronic behavior. And of all the states to do this kind of thing, it’s the one that will suffer the most from sea-level rise! It’s hard to comprehend the idiocy. I guess it’s easy to just hope that all that “global warming stuff” is just not true, and block it out (and try to outlaw any mention of it), but I think it’s clear enough that’s not the best path forward.

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe humans figured out how to create electricity, how to make vehicles fly, how to put all the things on our phones and computers that we now have on our phones and computers, or even how to count, for that matter. We can be so talented at completely ignorant behavior and not believing what’s right in front of our face. God bless us all, as they say in the US South.

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