Weird Tesla Cybertruck Email — Does Tesla Need Sales ASAP? Just Telling Cybertruck Reservation Holders To Chill? – CleanTechnica

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I’ve still got one reservation for a Cybertruck. Tesla never really emails about it. In fact, aside from a confirmation email when the reservation was made, I don’t recall receiving any other emails about it. Well, I got one tonight — just a couple hours ago — and I have to admit that it comes across a bit weird.

Instead of highlighting the Cybertruck presentation that took place on X (the social media platform formerly known as Twitter), or sharing some of the key facts and specs of the Cybertruck, or even showing me anything noteworthy about the Cybertruck, the email quickly tries to get me into a non-Cybertruck Tesla.

The transition from mentioning my reservation in the email title to trying to push me into a totally different Tesla was so odd that I wasn’t even sure for a few minutes if I was understanding it correctly. “Is this link supposed to take me to the Cybertruck page? Or are they really just trying to get me to buy a Tesla Model S, Model X, Model Y, or Model 3?” (Also, note that I already have a Model 3, and the email doesn’t acknowledge that at all.)

The article title is this: “Experience Tesla Before Your Cybertruck Arrives.” (Again, I’m already experiencing Tesla — I have had a Model 3 for more than 4 years.) Here’s the body of the email that followed:

So, these are the steps:

  1. “Cybertruck is Here”
  2. Your reservation is in its place in line. (Wasn’t it always?)
  3. How about you go buy or lease a different Tesla instead?

Wait, what?

If you’re curious about what the asterisk is for, here’s the text in the footnote: “*Active Cybertruck reservations placed before November 30, 2023, qualify for $1,000 off any new Model S, Model 3, Model X or Model Y ordered by December 31, 2023. Used vehicles are not eligible. Offer is limited to one per customer account, is nontransferable and may be combined with other offers. Terms are subject to change without notice.”

There are only two takeaways I can come away with from this email: 1) Tesla needs to sell more vehicles ASAP, and 2) the Cybertruck won’t be produced for most of us for quite a while still.

Naturally, I already knew high-volume Cybertruck production was still far into the future — Elon Musk said as much on the last quarterly conference call for shareholders. However, this email shocked me a bit, and whether I’m right or wrong in this reading of it, it comes across as a desperate move. Well, either Tesla urgently needs to sell more vehicles, or the company is just trying to send a message to reservation holders that the Cybertruck isn’t ready for them yet, they shouldn’t bug the company asking about when they’ll get theirs, and they should just get into another Tesla right now while they get ready for a long or long-ish wait.

What do you think? Just an innocuous attempt to stimulate a few more sales? A yellow flag warning of low demand? A slick way to tell Cybertruck reservation holders to chill, to not contact Tesla about their reservations, and to wait for production to ramp up?

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