Western Australian Mines and Petroleum Minister David Michael will retain his portfolio after the WA Labor Party was re-elected to serve another four years.
Michael first became WA Mines and Petroleum Minister in December 2023 after Bill Johnston didn’t seek re-election for 2025.
Michael was initially chosen to take care of the Mines and Petroleum portfolio as it shared close synergies with the Ports portfolio he held at the time.
Now, Michael will take on the Finance and Electoral Affairs portfolios alongside his Mining and Petroleum portfolio and Stephen Dawson will add the Ports portfolio to his capacity.
Dawson is also now the Minister for Regional Development and Science and Innovation.
In a bid to focus the Cabinet on economic diversification, the global energy transition, and creating future jobs and manufacturing opportunities, Amber-Jade Sanderson has been elected to care for the Energy and Decarbonisation, Manufacturing, and Skills and TAFE portfolios.
WA Premier Roger Cook said the Cabinet reshuffle is designed to help build a future that is made in WA – a vision that aligns with the ‘Future Made in Australia’ agenda from the Federal Government.
“We have a bold vision for the future our state … It is a vision that will deliver a strong, diversified economy by training highly skilled workers to make more things here, build more homes and provide the services every Western Australian should have access to, no matter where they live in this great state,” Cook said.
“In these globally uncertain times, my priority is to make the WA economy more resilient and establishing our state as a renewable energy powerhouse, which will drive our commitment to exit coal fired power generation, help our trading partners to decarbonise and ensure secure and affordable energy.
“It’s now time for my new Cabinet to get to work, to deliver for Western Australians and to do what’s right for WA.”
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