Underground development greenlit for Regis

Regis Resources is primed to boost its Duketon gold project in Western Australia with development approved for the Garden Well and Rosemont underground mines.

Regis managing director and chief executive officer Jim Beyer welcomed the decision, which he said will position Regis to significantly grow its gold resources.

“The development decision for these value accretive underground mines is another important milestone as Regis progresses on delivering into its underground growth strategy,” Beyer said.

“We are well on the way to operating four to five underground mines at Duketon to deliver sustainable gold production of 200,000–250,000 ounces (koz) of gold each year.”

Current exploration activities indicate down plunge extensions of mineralisation at both Rosemont and Garden Well, which if successful will continue to add mine life and grow reserves.

“With Garden Well Main and Rosemont Stage 3 underground mines, we will be operating three independent underground mining areas,” Beyer said.

“Given the way that the Duketon orebodies have behaved historically and based on our current exploration results, we are confident in our ability to continue to expand our underground mining footprint.”

Regis holds a dominant position within the Duketon greenstone belt and has a track record of discovering and expanding underground reserves.

Between 2019 and the end of 2022, Regis completed targeted exploration and resource definition drilling programs that successfully expanded Duketon by nearly 170 per cent.

In that time the company also managed to maintain a production of 151koz of gold from the Duketon mines.

“Since we announced our maiden resource at Rosemont in 2019, each year we have continued to enhance the value of the underground by increasing our reserves,” Beyer said.

“This is a trend across our underground mines that we aim to continue well into the future.”

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