Trudeau’s Carbon Tax Rebrand is Lipstick on a Pig – Canadian Energy News, Top Headlines, Commentaries, Features & Events – EnergyNow

Canadian Taxpayers Federation

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is criticizing the federal government for rebranding its carbon tax rebate instead of providing relief by scrapping the tax altogether.

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax rebrand is just lipstick on a pig,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “Canadians need tax relief, not a snappy new slogan that won’t do anything to make life more affordable.”

“The federal government is rebranding the carbon tax rebate,” reported CTV News today. “Previously known as the Climate Action Incentive Payment, the Liberals are now calling it the ‘Canada Carbon Rebate.’”

The carbon tax will cost the average family up to $710 this year even after the rebates, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

The federal government is increasing the carbon tax again on April 1. After the hike, the carbon tax will cost 17 cents per litre of gasoline, 21 cents per litre of diesel and 15 cents per cubic metre of natural gas.

“Trudeau’s real problem isn’t that Canadians don’t know what his government is doing, Trudeau’s real problem is that Canadians know his carbon tax is making life more expensive,” Terrazzano said. “Instead of a rebrand, Trudeau should scrap the carbon tax to provide real relief.”

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For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Franco Terrazzano
CTF Federal Director
Phone: 403.918.3532

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