London, November 26, 2024, (Oilandgaspress) –––TotalEnergies has taken note of the interview with the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy and Climate, published on November 25 in Le Parisien. TotalEnergies wishes to provide clarification on inaccurate statements made in it.
First of all, it should be remembered that Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) are a mechanism for which the State is the guarantor at each stage of the chain .
In this respect, all renovation work carried out by TotalEnergies complies with the regulations and processes defined by the State. TotalEnergies goes even further by carrying out additional checks to those of the State.

1. No, TotalEnergies is not accused of any “fraud”:
The measure announced in July 2024 only cancels 32 TotalEnergies global renovation operations, representing a volume of 0.4 TWhc (i.e. 2.8 million euros).
These cancellations are linked to initial consumption deemed too high by the National Center for Energy Saving Certificates (PNCEE) although these consumption levels were established and validated by design offices certified by organizations accredited by the State .
No financial penalty or fine accompanies this cancellation for TotalEnergies. There is therefore no fraud.
2. Yes, TotalEnergies contests the sanction and will lodge an appeal with the Council of State:
The only criticism made by the PNCEE against TotalEnergies is an overestimation of the initial consumption of certain global renovation operations. However, TotalEnergies denies any failure on its part and points out that the initial consumption was determined by independent design offices and certified by organizations accredited by the State .
It is ultimately on the basis of data certified by bodies accredited by the State that TotalEnergies is being called into question.
3. No, TotalEnergies has never requested CEE for overall renovation operations not carried out:
The work carried out as part of the overall renovation operations is systematically checked after the work by third-party and independent organizations accredited by the State.
Furthermore, in addition to the processes defined by the State, TotalEnergies ensures, through systematic calls to beneficiaries, that the work has been carried out properly, and that it is of high quality and compliant.
4. Yes, TotalEnergies practices “zero tolerance” towards fraud:
If fraud by one of our partners were to be proven, TotalEnergies would immediately take the necessary measures by ceasing all commercial relations with the partner concerned and asserting its rights before the courts.
5. Yes, TotalEnergies is in favour of strengthening controls:
There should be no doubt about the quality of audits carried out by bodies accredited by the State and this is what is at issue in this case.
The entire value chain (intermediaries, craftsmen and inspection offices) should be made responsible and not just energy suppliers and fuel distributors as is the case today.
6. Yes, TotalEnergies protects individuals and supports them in their energy renovation work and, no, TotalEnergies has not cheated them:
Since 2022, TotalEnergies has carried out nearly 1.6 million energy efficiency operations, using around 150 different standardized CEE sheets.
TotalEnergies thus plays a key role in the generalization of renovations in the building and transport sectors, in the fight against energy insecurity and in the elimination of “thermal sieves”.
7. Yes, TotalEnergies wants greater efficiency of the CEE system:
TotalEnergies calls on energy suppliers and fuel distributors, professional associations and public authorities to work together to collectively strengthen the effectiveness of the CEE system in order to support households in their energy renovation work under the best possible conditions.
Reminder on Energy Savings Certificates:
The CEE system is based on an obligation for energy distributors to identify, finance and implement energy saving actions. All these actions are defined in a catalog of standardized sheets established by the State .
The standardized sheets define the framework for controlling operations and provide, in particular, for the use of external audits carried out after work by control offices accredited by a State body .
TotalEnergies is, alongside EDF, the largest financier of energy-saving work in France via the Energy Saving Certificates system.
Information Source: Read More
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