Tabba Tabba commences 2024 lithium exploration

Wildcat Resources has commenced its 2024 exploration activities at the Tabba Tabba lithium project located near Port Hedland in Western Australia.

The lithium hopeful started diamond drilling on January 9 after it completed a temporary pause to enable the expansion of camp facilities and exploration infrastructure.

During the pause, Wildcat expanded the exploration camp to accommodate roughly 80 staff, weatherproofed all key tracks on the project to allow the continuation of drilling during wet weather, mobilised key machinery for wet weather transport, improved access to drilling water, increased fuel storage, and added additional site offices, a recreation area and a larger mess hall.

The company said that undertaking this work was a necessary step to allow continued escalation of drilling capability in 2024. Four diamond rigs are expected before the end of January and additional rigs are expected to mobilise to site in February.

“The crews have been busy over the Christmas break upgrading our camp and site infrastructure for the continuation and expansion of our aggressive drill programs at Tabba Tabba,” newly elected Wildcat managing director AJ Saverimutto said.

“We look forward to the months ahead as we continue to define and explore Leia and other pegmatite targets, whilst progressing our permitting and evaluation studies.”

Looking ahead, Wildcat’s drilling will continue focusing on growing the Leia and Chewy pegmatite systems, with the Leia pegmatite being one of six significant pegmatite prospects within Tabba Tabba’s 3.2km long field.

Wildcat’s access to additional rigs will help target inside the known boundaries of the Leia pegmatite so it can increase the resource’s confidence while systematically testing other nearby pegmatites.

The company will also progress permitting and evaluation studies for Tabba Tabba and will prepare composite samples from the diamond core drilling for metallurgical test work.

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