Streamline Management of Change with Muddy Boots: Configurable to Align with Your Current MOC Processes. – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

With Muddy Boots, all your MOC data is accessible now and in the future. Coupled with the Muddy Boots sites and equipment inventory, everything is integrated.

Standard selections within the MOC include:

  • Identification
  • Priority Assessment (configure to weigh risk and value to prioritize MOCs)
  • Implementation Assessment
  • Documentation Requirements
  • Training and Competency
  • Authorization and Closure

MOC Capabilities:

  • Section categories, questions, and answers are configurable to meet your requirements.
  • Create multiple attachment categories to manage documentation requirements at different project stages, including functionality to link to external document management systems.
  • Generate work orders from the MOC.
  • Extensive workflow capabilities allow for multi-step approval processes and varying levels of authorization.

MOC Data is Accessible:

  • Access Muddy Boots from any device with a web browser.
  • Eliminate communication barriers. Make your data visible to your internal teams and service partners.
  • Give access to those who need it. No per user license fees, no more frantic searches for MOC data.

Contact us today for a demo

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