SPC Nickel drills 1.07% nickel over 12.5 metres at West Graham, Ontario

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SPC Nickel Corp. [SPC-TSXV] reported additional phase 2 assay results from a series of short holes drilled immediately beneath the surface exposure of the West Graham mineralized zone on the Lockerby East property, Sudbury Mining Camp, Ontario. Recent geological mapping by SPC and historical sampling by Vale Canada have outlined the surface exposure of the mineralization over a 300 metre by 150 metre area north of the norite-granite footwall contact and south of any drilling completed during the Phase 1 or 2 programs.

Initial results from the short 16-hole program have confirmed the down-dip extension of the surface mineralization with thick mineralized intervals at grades equal to or better than the historical West Graham mineral resource. This work has further demonstrated the potential for any future development at West Graham to be open-pit amenable.

A total of 13,254 metres in 62 holes have so far been completed on the West Graham Project since drilling commenced in early March. The Phase 1 program consisted of 5,338 metres in 27 holes and was completed in late May while a total of 7,916 metres in 35 holes, including the 16 short holes mentioned above, have been completed from the ongoing Phase 2 program.

Highlights: WG-23-062 returned 0.87% Ni, 0.41% Cu over 20.00 metres (1.00-21.00 metres), including 1.07% Ni, 0.44% Cu over 12.50 metres (6.50 to 19.00 metres).

WG-23-061 returned 0.48% Ni, 0.24% Cu over 34.00 metres (14.00-48.00 metres) including 2.07% Ni, 0.15% Cu over 1.15 metres (15.60 to 16.75 metres).

Grant Mourre, CEO and President, commented, “Today’s results continue to demonstrate the robust fundamentals of the West Graham Project. We continue to intersect thick intervals of near surface mineralization, which are equal to or better than the historical mineral resource. These recent results combined with our previous reported drill intersections demonstrate that we are growing a significant nickel resource within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The West Graham Project benefits from in place infrastructure, has year-round road access, access to hydroelectric power, and several processing facilities within kilometres of the site. We’re looking forward to announcing additional drilling results and a maiden Mineral Resource estimate for the Project by the end of 2023.”

On January 23, 2023, SPC Nickel announced the signing of an Agreement with Vale Canada granting SPC Nickel the right to earn an 100% interest in Vale’s Crean Hill 3 property that is located adjacent to SPC Nickel’s West Graham property.

As an advanced project, the combination of the West Graham and Crean Hill 3 assets is a transformational opportunity for SPC Nickel. The historical mineral resources on these properties form one contiguous near-surface deposit and consists of the following:

Crean Hill 3 hosts a historical mineral estimate of 16.78Mt of 0.43% Ni and 0.30% Cu. West Graham hosts a historical indicated mineral resource of 8.55Mt of 0.45% Ni, 0.31% Cu along with an inferred mineral resource of 2.0Mt @ 0.38% Ni, 0.30% Cu.

SPC Nickel considers the West Graham and Crean Hill 3 resource estimates to be historical mineral estimates for purposes of NI 43-101.

SPC Nickel Corp. is a Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the Sudbury Mining Camp. SPC Nickel is currently exploring its key 100%-owned exploration project Lockerby East located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp that includes the West Graham Resource and the Crean Hill 3 property under option from Vale. SPC Nickel also holds three additional projects across Canada including the large camp-scale Muskox Project (located in Nunavut), the past producing Aer-Kidd Project (located in the Sudbury Mining Camp) and the Janes Project (located 50 km northwest of Sudbury).

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