“Shell delivered strong operational performance and cash flows in the second quarter, despite a lower commodity price environment. Today we are delivering on our Capital Markets Day commitment of a 15% dividend increase. We are going further on our buyback guidance by commencing a $3 billion programme for the next three months and, subject to Board approval, at least $2.5 billion at the Q3 2023 results. As we deliver more value with less emissions, we will continue to prioritise share buybacks, given the value that our shares represent.” Shell plc Chief Executive Officer, Wael Sawan


Q2 2023 Adjusted Earnings of $5.1 billion, with lower oil and gas prices and refining margins, lower volumes and lower LNG trading & optimisation results. CFFO of $15.1 billion for the quarter, with a $4.8 billion working capital inflow offsetting tax payments.

$3 billion share buybacks announced, expected to be completed by Q3 2023 results announcement. Quarterly dividend increase of 15% to $0.331 per share

Quarter Analysis

Income attributable to Shell plc shareholders, compared with the first quarter 2023, mainly reflected lower LNG trading and optimisation results, lower realised oil and gas prices, lower refining margins, and lower volumes.
Second quarter 2023 income attributable to Shell plc shareholders also included net impairment charges and reversals of $1.7 billion. These charges are included in identified items amounting to a net loss of $1.6 billion in the quarter. This compares with identified items in the first quarter 2023 which amounted to a net loss of $0.5 billion.
Adjusted Earnings and Adjusted EBITDA2 were driven by the same factors as income attributable to Shell plc
shareholders and adjusted for the above identified items and the cost of supplies adjustment of positive $0.3 billion.
Cash flow from operating activities for the second quarter 2023 was $15.1 billion, and included a working capital inflow of $4.8 billion, and tax payments of $3.8 billion. The working capital inflow mainly reflected lower prices on inventories, initial margin inflow, a decrease in over-the-counter collateral, and other accounts receivable and payable movements.
Cash flow from investing activities for the quarter was an outflow of $3.0 billion, and included capital expenditure of $4.6 billion, net other investing cash inflows of $1.1 billion, and divestment proceeds of $0.5 billion.
Net debt and Gearing: At the end of the second quarter 2023, net debt was $40.3 billion, compared with $44.2 billion at the end of the first quarter 2023. Gearing was 17.3% at the end of the second quarter 2023, compared with 18.4% at the end of the first quarter 2023, mainly driven by net debt reduction.
Shareholder distributions Total shareholder distributions in the quarter amounted to $5.6 billion comprising repurchases of shares of $3.6 billion and cash dividends paid to Shell plc shareholders of $2.0 billion. Dividends declared to Shell plc shareholders for the second quarter 2023 amount to $0.3310 per share. Shell has now completed the $4 billion of share buybacks announced in the first quarter 2023 results announcement. Today, Shell announces a share buyback programme of $3 billion which is
expected to be completed by the third quarter 2023 results announcement. Subject to Board approval, a share buyback programme of at least $2.5 billion is expected to be announced at the third quarter 2023 results announcement.
Half Year Analysis
Income attributable to Shell plc shareholders, compared with the first half 2022, reflected lower realised oil and gas prices, lower volumes, and lower refining margins, partly offset by higher Mobility margins.
First half 2023 income attributable to Shell plc shareholders also included net impairment charges and reversals of $2.1 billion which are included in identified items amounting to a net loss of $2.1 billion. This compares with identified items in the first half 2022 which amounted to a net gain of $1.1 billion.
Adjusted Earnings and Adjusted EBITDA2 for the first half 2023 were driven by the same factors as income
attributable to Shell plc shareholders and adjusted for identified items and the cost of supplies adjustment of positive $0.8 billion.
Cash flow from operating activities for the first half 2023 was $29.3 billion, and included working capital inflows of $4.1 billion, and tax payments of $6.9 billion.
Cash flow from investing activities for the first half 2023 was an outflow of $7.3 billion and included capital expenditure of $10.8 billion, divestment proceeds of $2.2 billion, and net other investing cash inflows of $1.2 billion.
This announcement, together with supplementary financial and operational disclosure for this quarter, is available at www.shell.com/investors3

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