Send a Letter: Tell Nanaimo to UN-BAN Natural Gas from New Home Developments – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

Nanaimo City Council recently voted to ban new homes from being heated by natural gas. By next summer you will no longer have the option to heat your home with natural gas in any new development in Nanaimo, BC.

This means Nanaimo homeowners won’t be able to use a reliable, affordable heating source that comes from British Columbia. B.C. is facing an energy crunch by the end of the decade and may have to rely on imported electricity. Eliminating natural gas is short-sighted and will raise costs for everyday people.

The good news is that the vote on Nanaimo City Council was very tight – it came down to a single vote. Please hit the button below to send a letter to all of Nanaimo City Council asking them to reconsider their decision.

Thanks in advance,

Support Canadian Energy

PS. These letters make a real difference. Councillors need to know what the majority of people think.

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