Reduce energy costs with moneo

If a mining company wants to have a full vision of its on-site energy usage in order to reduce and carbon footprint, ifm has the perfect solution: its self-service industrial internet of things (IIoT) platform called moneo.

moneo is used to measure voltage, current, power factor and harmonics, all of which are used to identify several mechanical faults.

Having these insights readily accessible can be significantly beneficial to mining businesses. For example, the company can determine what its power factor is and if it needs to be corrected.

Once the power factor is amended, moneo can be used to establish a benchmark so limits can be set to provide ongoing monitoring for the operation.

But moneo’s benefits don’t stop there, it also acts as a predictive maintenance platform which provides information ahead of any event.

moneo has been designed as an out-of-the-box, all-in-one solution, that is easy to integrate with existing systems at a mining operation.

This product showcase appeared in the August 2023 issue of Australian Mining.