Komatsu has updated its powered roof support business to meet the needs of contemporary coal mines.

In March 2021, Komatsu revamped its powered roof support (PRS) business to meet its customers’ needs more efficiently.

More than two years on, the company is enjoying the success of the hard work and dedication that went into the change.

“In 2021, we announced we would be adapting our longwall business in response to an evolving coal market, where customers were looking to cut costs while still maximising their performance,” Komatsu global manager, longwall sales and projects Nigel Goff said.

“Therefore, we redefined our longwall business by providing Joy-engineered PRS solutions through partnerships with PRS manufacturers.”

Komatsu acquired Joy Global in April 2017, along with access to the underground mining market through the Joy-branded product line.

Komatsu has been supplying its PRS customers with operational support and expertise for over 75 years.

According to Komatsu product manager and principal engineer, quotes and tenders, powered roof supports Richard Hopper, the new sustainable PRS strategy ensures the company will continue to support its customers. 

“We continue to produce custom and innovative PRS designs, and supply electro-hydraulic control systems and key performance components,” he said.

As part of the updated PRS business, Komatsu can provide flexible and value-driven fulfilment models, including: a Komatsu-licensed, Joy-designed roof support manufactured to Komatsu quality standards by a collaborative partner, a Komatsu-licensed, Joy-designed roof support manufactured by a third party chosen by the customer, or Komatsu components such as Joy electro-hydraulic control systems (EHCS) for use on any PRS system, regardless of manufacturer.

“Komatsu can provide project management, quality and integration services for longwall systems as an option for all supply scenarios,” Goff said.

“All of these supply models have been successful following the announcement of Komatsu’s updated PRS business.

“This includes a full-face new design support order in China, four PRS installation orders in the US and the awarding of engineering design services contracts in Australia, as well as standalone orders for EHCS systems.

“We are also pursuing multiple ongoing opportunities which highlight growing awareness and acceptance of our new strategy.”

Komatsu’s Australian service facility has increased capability in repair and overhaul.

Komatsu works with manufacturing partners to provide the best products and solutions for its customers. These include listed company Yankuang Energy’s Donghua Heavy Industries (DHI) in China, and Becker-Warkop in Poland.

“Our collaboration with DHI began in early 2019 with technology transfers for licensed advancing ram cylinders,” Hopper told Australian Mining.

“The collaboration has grown over the last four years, as DHI can now manufacture all PRS fabrications as well as legs and ram cylinders to Komatsu design and quality standards.”

Komatsu’s collaboration with Becker-Warkop commenced in early 2022, and under a cooperative agreement among Komatsu, Becker and Hydrotech, the first of four Joy-designed longwall PRS sets has been successfully completed and delivered to a US customer.

And it’s not just international customers who are benefitting from Komatsu’s updated PRS business.

“We still provide the facilities and capabilities our customers have always enjoyed,” Goff said. “We have recently invested in upgrading our Australian service centre in Rutherford, New South Wales, to increase service capability.

“We invest in up-to-date training for the service personnel who represent us at mines, and regions can readily call on a global team of product experts to create value for our customers and meet their expectations.”

Komatsu is dedicated to the continuous development of new products and solutions for its PRS product line. In 2022, the company launched its Joy Compak Next Gen hydraulic control system, the first redesign of its successful Compak system since the mid-1980s. 

“With the inherent reliability of spool valve technology, the component commonality reducing parts and service costs, and the ability to easily expand the system, we see the valve gear as a benchmark for the industry over the coming years,” Hopper said.

“We are also actively working on other developments to ensure we are ready for the next decade of longwall mining.

“We will continue to invest in our people, facilities and PRS solutions product line to reinforce our commitment to the longwall industry and support our customers through their entire journey.”

Komatsu is confident the ongoing success of its PRS business model will continue to attract new customers to its longwall equipment offerings while meeting the differing needs of its existing customer base.

“We believe that the launch of new componentry and continuing design solutions for the market has convinced our customer base that our PRS business is here to stay and thrive,” Goff said.

“There is increasing awareness and acceptance of our new PRS solutions product line, and the ongoing success reinforces that customers are seeing the benefits of the new model alongside the capabilities of our partners.”

This feature appeared in the September 2023 issue of Australian Mining.