QME breaks records as BHP weighs in on Queensland’s future

The Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) has set an all-time record as BHP’s Adam Lancey addresses attendees with a message for the resources industry.

With over 30 years under its belt as Australia’s largest regional mining event, QME welcomed over 5000 visitors to Mackay Showgrounds over three days this week, with over 300 exhibitors and 29 seminar sessions.

The QME Seminar Series, sponsored by Komatsu, opened with a keynote by Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King who covered the importance of Queensland’s resources sector and its strong future ahead thanks to growing interest in the state’s critical minerals.

“Queensland resources play a critically important role in the national economy. All the resources that are mined and processed here in Queensland provide income to the national and state economy, as well as jobs for everyday Queenslanders,” King said.

“The new diversification of the resources sector to critical minerals and rare earth elements is also key to drive international investment, from right here in Mackay to further west in Queensland.”

Speaking at QME, BHP Mitsubishi Alliance asset president Adam Lancey said Queensland will be a key driver in unlocking the success of Australia’s resources sector into the future.

“Not only is the Queensland mining industry a passionate, tightknit community, it’s also a powerhouse on the world’s stage of mineral producing regions,” he said.

“From met coal to copper, our industry remains essential to the future as the world seeks to solve some of its greatest challenges.

“We want to continue our contribution to Queensland and the best way of doing this is to make sure it’s a great place to invest and do business.”

Lancey emphasised that if the resources industry is going to continue to prosper, governments and industry are going to have to work together.

“What the resource industry needs are policy and fiscal settings that give Queensland a competitive edge,” he said.

“Faster permitting. An industrial relations system that delivers productivity, flexibility and competitiveness to drive job creation and wage growth. Predictability and reduced risk. Under those conditions that capital will flow.

“How long Queensland will enjoy the legacy of decisions made when fiscal settings were different remains to be seen, but responsible planning means making decisions today that will benefit for the future.”

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