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px Group and Standard Gas sign agreement for clean gas-from-non-recyclable waste

A pioneering decarbonising energy plant generating clean gas for industrial use is set for deployment at Saltend Chemicals Park, Humberside. This follows a ‘Heads of Terms’ agreement signed by px Group, the owner and operator of Saltend, and Standard Gas Technologies Ltd, the developer of the transformational SG100 technology.

The intention is to bring Standard Gas’s cutting-edge commercial scale SG100 plant to Saltend. Capable of processing up to 48,000 tonnes of a wide range of non-recyclable waste a year, the SG100 will typically generate 2,500-3,000m3/hr of product gas, which is as clean as natural gas and has achieved ‘End of Waste’ certification from the UK’s Environment Agency. Gas from a single SG100 plant can produce 40,000 MW hours of power annually, enough for around 10,000 homes or for businesses.

px Group would provide Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and installation and commissioning of the SG100. Once live, px Group would also deliver Operations & Maintenace (O&M) services.

Standard Gas’ SG100 technology is an Advanced Thermal Conversion (ATC), non-burn, pyroysis-plus-gas cracking process. Dependent on feedstock, it can generate Carbon-negative or low-Carbon energy. Co-product biochar produced from biogenic, plant-derived waste, is up to 90% solid Carbon and offers a route to remove up to 25,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year – comparable to the emissions of around 5,000 average cars.

In simple terms, SG100 technology bakes but does not burn waste in a high-temperature, oxygen-free oven to generate both gas, which is immediately processed for cleanliness and to prevent tar formation, and carbon-capturing, sequestrable biochar.

Product gas can be used in electricity or steam and heat generation, as a natural gas substitute, or further processed for renewable transport fuels, or chemical feedstock. Biochar, which is like a ground charcoal and up to 90% carbon, is removed, cooled, and stored ready to be sequestered in or help decarbonise construction products or used to enrich or condition soils for agriculture and horticulture.

This Heads of Terms agreement follows the successful trial of Standard Gas’ SG50 commercial scale demonstration plant, which the company used to develop, prove and patent its technology.  Representing a signficant upgrade on the SG50, the new SG100 is mechanically complete and being prepared for initial commissioning prior to commercial roll-out of the technology.

Bringing Standard Gas’ SG100 technology to Saltend will be yet another coup for the chemicals park, which has been the focus of huge decarbonisation investment in recent years, including major Hydrogen and carbon storage initiatives.

Geoff Holmes, CEO of px Group, says: “We are delighted to be working with Standard Gas on yet another pioneering decarbonisation project destined for Saltend. Decarbonisation is a non-negotiable, and carbon capture and removal – both on a large and small scale – will play a central role in reaching Net Zero targets here in the UK and Europe.”

Laurence Sharrock, Technical Director, Standard Gas, says: “An industrial park like Saltend is a perfect location for one or more SG100s, providing decarbonising power and products for on-site consumption. We already have a pipeline of over 20 SG100 units in 4-5 projects across several industrial and commercial sectors, and successfully deploying the technology at a high-profile location like Saltend will have much wider significance. Saltend has a highly skilled workforce on its doorstep, and a plethora of sector-leading businesses on site that can utilise the SG100’s output.”

Media contacts:

Alex Williams (px Group, Media Zoo),,

Peter Coombes (Standard Gas),,