Project 2025 x Climate Change – CleanTechnica

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I asked CoPilot and ChatGPT the following questions. You can copy it and try it yourself on CoPilot here. All list and bold formatting is not mine but how CoPilot or ChatGPT answered the question. I asked “What are the impacts of Project 2025 on climate change?,” “What are the impacts of the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 on climate change?,” and “What are the impacts of Democrats on climate change?”

Me: What are the impacts of Project 2025 on climate change?

Sent by CoPilot:

Project 2025, a plan proposed by conservative groups for a potential future Republican administration, has significant implications for climate change efforts. Here are some key impacts:

  1. Reduction in Climate Regulations: The plan aims to eliminate multiple energy- and environment-related offices and rules, which would restrict the government’s ability to combat climate change and pollution1.
  2. Support for Fossil Fuels: It promotes increased development and production of oil and gas from federal lands, reversing policies that restrict fossil fuel development1.
  3. Cutting Renewable Energy Programs: The project proposes eliminating offices within the Department of Energy that focus on renewable energy and climate technology research1.
  4. Dismantling NOAA: It calls for dismantling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which plays a crucial role in climate research and weather forecasting1.
  5. Blocking Renewable Energy: The plan would block wind and solar power from being added to the electrical grid and gut funding for the Environmental Protection Agency2.

Overall, Project 2025 would significantly roll back efforts to address climate change, favoring fossil fuel industries and reducing support for renewable energy and environmental protection.

To be fair, I asked ChatGPT the same question on Project 2025. It gave me a highly greenwashed and non-relevant answer (though I agree these are worthy objectives, they don’t align with the Heritage Foundation Project 2025). I have posted it for completeness.

Me: What are the impacts of Project 2025 on climate change?

Sent by ChatGPT:

Project 2025 generally refers to initiatives aimed at achieving certain environmental or climate-related goals by the year 2025. The impacts of such projects on climate change can vary widely depending on the specific goals and actions undertaken. Here are some potential impacts:

  1. Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Many Project 2025 initiatives focus on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). This can be achieved through promoting renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and implementing cleaner technologies.
  2. Promotion of Renewable Energy: Projects may accelerate the adoption of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases emissions associated with electricity generation.
  3. Adaptation and Resilience: Some projects aim to enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystems to climate change impacts such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and changing precipitation patterns.
  4. Policy and Institutional Changes: Project 2025 initiatives often involve advocating for and implementing policy changes at local, national, and international levels. These policies can encourage sustainable practices, regulate emissions, and support climate-friendly industries.
  5. Public Awareness and Behavior Change: Effective projects also include educational and awareness-raising components to foster behavior changes among individuals and businesses. This can lead to reduced carbon footprints and increased support for climate action.
  6. Economic Impacts: Transitioning to a low-carbon economy can have economic benefits, such as job creation in renewable energy sectors, reduced healthcare costs associated with air pollution, and increased energy security.
  7. Global Cooperation: Some Project 2025 initiatives focus on fostering international cooperation and agreements to tackle global climate challenges collectively.
  8. Long-Term Sustainability: Successful Project 2025 initiatives contribute to long-term sustainability by preserving ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources.

It’s important to note that the specific impacts of Project 2025 on climate change will depend on the scope, scale, and effectiveness of the initiatives implemented. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial to understanding the actual outcomes and adjusting strategies as needed to achieve meaningful climate action.

I then asked a revised question.

Me: What are the impacts of the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 on climate change?

Sent by ChatGPT:

The Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” is not explicitly focused on climate change mitigation or environmental conservation. Instead, the Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank in the United States known for advocating for limited government, free enterprise, and traditional American values. As such, its projects typically prioritize economic policies, national security, and individual liberty rather than environmental issues like climate change.

Given the Heritage Foundation’s general stance on limited government intervention and skepticism towards extensive environmental regulations, it is unlikely that “Project 2025” would have direct impacts aimed at addressing climate change. In fact, the Heritage Foundation has historically opposed policies such as the Paris Agreement, cap-and-trade systems, and other measures designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Therefore, the impacts of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 on climate change are likely negligible or even counterproductive from a climate action perspective. Instead, the Foundation’s initiatives might focus on promoting policies that prioritize economic growth, deregulation, and reducing government involvement in environmental matters, which could potentially lead to increased emissions or slower adoption of clean energy technologies.

It’s important to consider the goals and priorities of different organizations when evaluating their potential impacts on climate change. Organizations like the Heritage Foundation may play a role in shaping public policy debates, but their positions may not align with mainstream climate science or global efforts to address climate change.

Me: What are the impacts of Democrats on climate change?

CoPilot wouldn’t give me any answers when I asked “What are the impacts of Democrats on climate change?”

I asked ChatGPT here. Sent by ChatGPT:

The impacts of Democrats on climate change policy can vary based on their political agendas, legislative efforts, and executive actions when in power. Here are some general impacts:

  1. Climate Legislation: Democrats typically advocate for more stringent environmental regulations and laws aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This can include bills promoting renewable energy, carbon pricing mechanisms, and regulations on industries contributing to climate change.

  2. International Agreements: Democrats often support participation in international agreements like the Paris Agreement, aimed at global cooperation to limit temperature rise and mitigate climate impacts.

  3. Executive Actions: Democratic administrations may implement regulations through executive orders, such as stricter emission standards for vehicles, promoting clean energy initiatives, and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

  4. Research and Development: Democrats often prioritize funding for research into clean energy technologies, energy efficiency improvements, and climate adaptation strategies.

  5. Environmental Justice: There is a strong emphasis on addressing environmental justice issues within Democratic climate policies, ensuring that vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by climate change and pollution are protected and supported.

  6. Public Awareness and Education: Democrats tend to support public awareness campaigns and education programs about climate change, aiming to mobilize public support for climate action and sustainability efforts.

A preliminary estimate on US C02 emissions increase with a Trump win

Separately, it’s useful too look at this article from Carbon Brief: “Analysis: Trump election win could add 4bn tonnes to US emissions by 2030.”

Black line: Historical US greenhouse gas emissions 1990-2022, billions of tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Red line and area: Projected emissions under the “Trump” scenario where Biden’s key climate policies are eliminated. Blue line and area: Projected emissions under the “Biden” scenario with the IRA and other key climate policies. Yellow: US climate target trajectory pledged by the Biden administration (50-52% by 2030). The range for each projection corresponds to results from six different models and uncertainty around economic growth, as well as the costs for low-carbon technologies and fossil fuels. Source: Carbon Brief analysis of modelling in Bistline et al. (2023) and Rhodium Group (Taking stock 2023). Chart by Carbon Brief.

“Black line: Historical US greenhouse gas emissions 1990-2022, billions of tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Red line and area: Projected emissions under the ‘Trump’ scenario where Biden’s key climate policies are eliminated. Blue line and area: Projected emissions under the ‘Biden’ scenario with the IRA and other key climate policies. Yellow: US climate target trajectory pledged by the Biden administration (50–52% by 2030). The range for each projection corresponds to results from six different models and uncertainty around economic growth, as well as the costs for low-carbon technologies and fossil fuels. Source: Carbon Brief analysis of modelling in Bistline et al. (2023) and Rhodium Group (Taking stock 2023). Chart by Carbon Brief.”

CleanTechnica has written one article on Project 2025 so far: “Be Wary What You Wish For: Trump 2.0 Will Retract Climate Laws.” I encourage you to read it to better understand what is going on here as it relates to the climate. What else have you seen on this topic?

Also, what are some of the best questions you have asked CoPilot and ChatGPT on climate change? Add them to the comments and I’ll highlight some of the best questions in the next piece.

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