PANDELL LEADERSHIP SERIES: “How to Win Buy-In for Finance Innovation” with Adrian Wilkinson – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

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Energy Finance Professionals’ Best Practices to Drive Investment for Technology

Like most energy companies, your organization has invested in technology that supports its core operations. But with the world’s landscape rapidly evolving and shifting, there’s a strong need to implement newer and complementary tools to existing systems that meet the demands of today’s challenges.

If you want your business to evolve, the way you plan and report on your business should evolve too. However, managers often face obstacles when trying to secure the support they need to implement new solutions. How do you go about getting buy-in from business stakeholders?

Adrian Wilkinson of Prophix will lay out a roadmap that helps finance professionals obtain buy-in from key stakeholders for investment in technology for Finance. As a Product Marketing Manager at Prophix, Adrian helps spread the benefits of Corporate Performance Management (CPM) to financial leaders.

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About Pandell

Pandell is an industry leader in delivering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to 500+ energy companies in Canada, the USA, and abroad. Our customers range from startups to major enterprises across energy sectors including oil & gas, pipelines, utilities, mining, and renewable energy. Our cloud-hosted product suite helps finance, land, and field operations run their business more effectively; while our enterprise division builds and manages large-scale web portal applications that facilitate work across organizations. Combining the strength of our industry experience, Lithium™ technology, and practical software subscription model, we are Crafting the Future of Energy Software.

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