Northern Star delivers sustainability

Gold producer Northern Star Resources has released its 2023 sustainability report.

The report covers the company’s actions in the areas of climate change, water and biodiversity stewardship, community and stakeholder performance, and internal and external disclosures.

Safety highlights include Northern Star recording a total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) of 3.2 and a lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) of 1.0. There was also zero employee or contractor fatalities recorded.

“The safety and wellbeing of our people is integral to our success. With TRIFR at 3.2, well below industry average, we are proud to say that the team has again delivered strong operational performance safely and responsibly in (the 2023 financial year) FY23, consistent with the STARR core values of safety, teamwork, accountability, respect and results,” Northern Star Resources chief executive officer Stuart Tonkin said.

“Our focus is centred on delivering safety leadership at all levels of the business to strengthen the culture and hazard awareness across our operations.”

Workplace diversity remained a priority for Northern Star, with 23.1 per cent of its workforce being made up of women, and the company sponsoring several programs to support minority groups – such as the Kalgoorlie Boulder Pride Festival.

Northern Star continued to invest in initiatives aligned with its targeted of reducing its emissions by 35 per cent by 2030, on the way to net zero ambition operational emissions by 2050.

“We are a sustainable, self-funded business currently focussed on opportunities to lower the costs of production, simplify the business with the purpose of generating superior returns for our shareholders, and progressing projects to reduce reliance on carbon-based energy sources,” Tonkin said.

“For instance, at Jundee we are working towards the construction and commissioning in 2024 of Northern Star’s first wind farm, under a power purchase agreement signed with Zenith (Energy).

“Other renewable projects are being developed for other sites to deliver lower power costs, impacting life of asset and increasing the economic value Northern Star brings, including hundreds of jobs and sustainable futures for the communities in which we operate.”