New Fortress Energy Announces Third Quarter 2023 Results

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–New Fortress Energy Inc. (Nasdaq: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) today reported its financial results for the third quarter of 2023.

Summary Highlights

  • Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $208 million in the third quarter of 2023 and $895 million in the first nine months of 2023
  • Net income of $62 million in the third quarter of 2023 and $334 million in the first nine months of 2023
  • Adjusted EPS(2) of $0.30 on a fully diluted basis in the third quarter of 2023 and $1.78(2) in the first nine months of 2023
  • Achieved several milestones since the second quarter of 2023
  • transitioned earnings from predominantly open cargos to nearly 100% contracted downstream assets(3);
  • operated 150 MW in Palo Seco, Puerto Rico at 98% utilization, and placed another 200+ MW into service in San Juan, Puerto Rico in September at near full utilization(4);
  • completed sailaway, installation, and First Gas(5) for our first FLNG asset located offshore Altamira, Mexico;
  • signed FSRU charter to start operations in Santa Catarina in January 2024(6);
  • achieved COD(4) at our 135 MW power plant in La Paz;
  • signed definitive documents for up to $575 million in asset-based financing to fully fund remaining construction(7) for our 630 MW Barcarena power plant, which is currently 37% completed and on-schedule for COD(4) in the third quarter of 2025(6);
  • Expecting an increase in earnings and decrease in capex beginning in the fourth quarter of 2023 as we place approximately $3.0 billion of invested capital(8) projects online(4)
  • Identified approximately $1 billion of non-core asset sales(9) to support deleveraging
  • Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA Goals(10) for 2023 and 2024 reiterated at $1.6 billion and $2.4 billion, respectively(10), with more than 85% of 2024 Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA Goals(10) generated from core downstream infrastructure(3)
  • Corporate strategy continues to focus on operations, cash generation, and deleveraging

“Our transition to core infrastructure has begun as nearly 100% of third quarter earnings came from contracted downstream assets. We have visibility into downstream earnings growth given the recent commencement of operations at our second power plant in Puerto Rico combined with the start-up of our first FLNG unit and Brazilian terminal and power plant. With lower capital expenditures and an estimated $1 billion in non-core asset sales, we are in an incredible position to deleverage and focus on high return organic growth opportunities,” said Wes Edens, NFE president and chief executive officer.

Earnings Composition

  • Composition of earnings is transitioning as nearly 100% of third quarter Adjusted EBITDA was generated by contracted downstream assets; we expect more than 85% of 2024 Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA Goals(10) will be generated from core infrastructure(3)

Puerto Rico

  • Operated(4) 150 MW of power at our Palo Seco, Puerto Rico location at approximately 98% utilization since May 2023 COD, and placed another 200+ MW into service in San Juan, Puerto Rico in September at near full utilization within first week of COD(6)

Fast LNG

  • Completed sailaway, installation, and First Gas(5) for our first FLNG asset in offshore Altamira, Mexico; First LNG(5) and COD(4) expected by the end of the fourth quarter 2023

Terminals and Power

  • Signed FSRU charter with Petrobras to start operations in Santa Catarina in January 2024(6); Santa Catarina is expected to serve a significantly undersupplied gas power market in southern Brazil
  • La Paz power plant achieved COD(4) in the third quarter of 2023(6)
  • Barcarena terminal is complete with First Gas(5) to Norsk Hydro(12) on schedule for end of year 2023(6) upon the arrival of our FSRU, which is currently being converted from an LNG carrier
  • Construction(7) of our 630 MW power plant at Barcarena is 37% completed(4) pursuant to a fixed-price, date-certain EPC contract with Mitsubishi and Toyo Setal; Operations(4) are expected to commence in the third quarter of 2025(6) pursuant to 25-year PPAs with Brazilian distribution companies

Hydrogen (ZeroParks)

  • Entered into a definitive hydrogen supply agreement with OCI Global in September for 100% of our first project’s output; this agreement allows us to expand the scope of our first project from 100 MW to 200 MW, with first bubbles(4) expected in the fourth quarter of 2024(6), phase 1 COD(4) of 100 MW in the first quarter of 2025(6), and phase 2 COD(4) of another 100 MW by year end 2025(6)
  • Signed a definitive agreement with Electric Hydrogen Co. (EH2) for the supply of EH2’s flagship PEM electrolysis technology
  • We have several other U.S. green hydrogen projects in various stages of Development(7) with a focus on sites with strategic logistics, low-cost power, and strong regional hydrogen demand


  • In October, we closed a $856 million term loan at an interest rate of SOFR + 5.00%, which was used to repay the $400 million term loan with Morgan Stanley and for general corporate purposes
  • In November, we closed $575 million of asset level debt for the construction of our Barcarena power plant


  • Common dividend(14) of $0.10 per share expected to be maintained
  • On November 7, 2023, NFE’s Board of Directors approved a dividend of $0.10 per share, with a record date of December 13, 2023 and a payment date of December 27, 2023

Financial Highlights

Three Months Ended

(in millions)

June 30, 2023

September 30, 2023






Net income





Diluted EPS





Adjusted net income(15)





Adjusted EPS(2)





Terminals and Infrastructure Segment Operating Margin(16)





Ships Segment Operating Margin(16)





Total Segment Operating Margin(16)





Adjusted EBITDA(1)





Please refer to our Q3 2023 Investor Presentation (the “Presentation”) for further information about the following terms:

1)“Adjusted EBITDA,” see definition and reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure in the exhibits to this press release.

2) “Adjusted EPS” is not a measurement of financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to any measure of performance or liquidity derived in accordance with GAAP. We calculate Adjusted EPS as Adjusted Net Income (Note 16 below) divided by the weighted average shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis for the period indicated. We believe this non-GAAP measure, as we have defined it, offers a useful supplemental view of the overall evaluation of the Company in a manner that is consistent with metrics used for management’s evaluation of the Company’s overall performance. Adjusted EPS does not have a standardized meaning, and different companies may use different definitions. Therefore, this term may not be necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

3) “Downstream assets” or “contracted downstream assets” or “contracted terminals” represents all our earnings, revenues and all other financial metrics related to our Ships Segment and Terminals and Infrastructure Segment, excluding cargo sales and certain derivative transactions that we believe are associated with cargo sales.

4) “Online”, “Operational”, “Operating”, “Completion”, “Completed”, “COD” or “commercial operation date”, “Deployment” or similar statuses (either capitalized or lower case) with respect to a particular project means we expect gas to be made available in the near future, gas has been made available to the relevant project, or that the relevant project is in full commercial operations. Where gas is going to be made available or has been made available but full commercial operations have not yet begun, full commercial operations will occur later than, and may occur substantially later than, our reported Operational, Completion or Deployment date, and we may not generate any revenue until full commercial operations have begun. We cannot assure you if or when such projects will reach full commercial operation. Our ability to export liquefied natural gas depends on our ability to obtain export and other permits from governmental and regulatory agencies. No assurance can be given that we will receive required permits, approvals and authorizations from governmental and regulatory agencies in connection with the exportation of liquefied natural gas on a timely basis or at all or that, once received, we will be able to maintain in full force and effect, renew or replace such permits, approvals and authorizations.

5) “First Gas” or “First LNG” refers to the date on which (or, for future dates, management’s current estimate of the date on which) natural gas and/or LNG is expected for a project, including a facility in development. Full commercial operation of such project will occur later than, and may occur substantially later than, the date of first gas or first LNG. We cannot assure you if or when such projects will reach the date of delivery of first gas or LNG, or full commercial operations.

6) Lead times and expected development times used in this Presentation indicate our internal evaluations of a project’s expected timeline. They refer to us completing certain stages of projects within a timeframe and within a spectrum of budget parameters that, when taken as a whole, are substantially consistent with our business model. These timeframes include assumptions regarding items that are outside our control, including permitting, weather, supply of equipment and materials, and other potential sources of delay. To the extent that projects have not yet started or are currently under development, we can make no assurance that such projects are on track within the timeline parameters we establish. Additionally, the construction of facilities is inherently subject to the risks of cost overruns and delays. If we are unable to construct, commission, complete and operate any of our facilities as expected, or, when and if constructed, any of them do not accomplish our goals, estimates regarding timelines, budget and savings could be materially and adversely affected.

7) “Under Construction”, “Development,” “In Development” or similar statuses means that we have taken steps and invested money to develop a facility, including execution of agreements for the development of the project (subject, in certain cases, to satisfaction of conditions precedent), procuring land rights and entitlements, negotiating or signing construction contracts, and undertaking active engineering, procurement and construction work. Our development projects are in various phases of progress, and there can be no assurance that we will continue progress on each development as we expect or that each development will be Completed or enter full commercial operations. There can be no assurance that we will be able to enter into the contracts required for the development of these facilities on commercially favorable terms or at all. If we are unable to enter into favorable contracts or to obtain the necessary regulatory and land use approvals on favorable terms, we may not be able to construct these assets as expected, or at all. Additionally, the construction of facilities is inherently subject to the risks of cost overruns and delays.

8) For future periods, Capex or net Capex reflects management’s estimate of total expected cash payments in such period less cash proceeds received by the Company for related asset sales or direct asset financings. Investors are encouraged to review the related GAAP financial measures, and not to rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business. “Gross capex” includes all expected cash payments in such period without deducting related asset sales or direct asset financings.

9) Represents management’s current assumptions related to the ability to complete non-core asset sales of approximately $1.0 billion in the next 12 months. Actual circumstances could differ materially from the assumptions, and actual performance and results could differ materially from, and there can be no assurance that they will reflect, our corporate goal.

10) “Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA Goal” means our forward-looking goal for Adjusted EBITDA for the relevant period and is based on the “Illustrative Total Segment Operating Margin Goal” less illustrative Core SGA assumed to be at $160mm for all periods 2024 onward including the pro rata share of Core SG&A from unconsolidated entities. For the purpose of this presentation, we have assumed an average Total Segment Operating Margin between $8.79 and $12.58 per MMBtu for all downstream terminal economics, because we assume that (i) we purchase delivered gas at a weighted average of $7.41 in 2023 and $7.03 in 2024, (ii) our volumes increase over time, and (iii) we will have costs related to shipping, logistics and regasification similar to our current operations because the liquefaction facility and related infrastructure and supply chain to deliver LNG from Pennsylvania or Fast LNG (“FLNG”) does not exist, and those costs will be distributed over the larger volumes. For our Brazil assets we assume an average delivered cost of gas of $14.66 in 2023 based on industry averages in the region. Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA figures for the fiscal year ended 2023 assume that we generate at least $200 million on gain from Asset Sales in the fiscal year ended 2023 and Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA figures for the fiscal year ended 2024 assume that we generate at least $100 million on gain from Asset Sales in the fiscal year ended 2024. We cannot provide assurance that we will be able to achieve this result. We assume all Brazil terminals and power plants are Operational and earning revenue through fuel sales and capacity charges or other fixed fees. For Vessels chartered to third parties, this measure reflects the revenue from those charters, capacity and tolling arrangements, and other fixed fees, less the cost to operate and maintain each ship, in each case based on contracted amounts for ship charters, capacity and tolling fees, and industry standard costs for operation and maintenance. We assume an average Total Segment Operating Margin of up to $164k per day per vessel. For Fast LNG, this measure reflects the difference between the delivered cost of open LNG and the delivered cost of open market LNG less Fast LNG production cost. These costs do not include expenses and income that are required by GAAP to be recorded on our financial statements, including the return of or return on capital expenditures for the relevant project, and selling, general and administrative costs. Our current cost of natural gas per MMBtu is higher than the cost we would need to achieve Illustrative Total Segment Operating Margin Goal, and the primary drivers for reducing these costs are the reduced costs of purchasing gas and the increased sales volumes, which result in lower fixed costs being spread over a larger number of MMBtus sold. References to volumes, percentages of such volumes and the Illustrative Total Segment Operating Margin Goal related to such volumes (i) are not based on the Company’s historical operating results, which are limited, and (ii) do not purport to be an actual representation of our future economics. Actual circumstances could differ materially from the assumptions, and actual performance and results could differ materially from, and there can be no assurance that they will reflect, our corporate goal.

11) Reserved

12) The contract is with a subsidiary of Norsk Hydro.

13) Reserved

14) The payment of dividends under the dividend policy will be made at the discretion of the Board and will be subject to the Board’s final determination based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the Company’s financial performance, its available cash resources, the terms of its indebtedness, its cash requirements, credit rating impacts, alternative uses of cash that the Board may conclude would represent an opportunity to generate a greater return on investment for the Company, and restrictions and other factors the Board deems relevant at the time it determines to declare such dividends. The dividend policy may be revised, suspended, or cancelled at the discretion of the Board at any time.

15) “Adjusted Net Income” means Net Income attributable to stockholders as presented in the relevant Form 10-K or Form 10-Q for the relevant financial period as adjusted by non-cash impairment charges or losses on disposal of our assets.

16) “Total Segment Operating Margin” is the total of our Terminals and Infrastructure Segment Operating Margin and Ships Segment Operating Margin. “Terminals and Infrastructure Segment Operating Margin” included our effective share of revenue, expenses and operating margin attributable to our 50% ownership of Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe Participações S.A. (“CELSEPAR”) prior to the Sergipe Sale. “Ships Segment Operating Margin” included our effective share of revenue, expenses and operating margin attributable to our ownership of 50% of the common units of Hilli LLC prior to the completion of the Hilli Exchange. Hilli LLC owns Golar Hilli Corporation (“Hilli Corp”), the disponent owner of the Hilli.

Additional Information

For additional information that management believes to be useful for investors, please refer to the presentation posted on the Investors section of New Fortress Energy’s website,, and the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is available on the Company’s website. Nothing on our website is included or incorporated by reference herein.

Earnings Conference Call

Management will host a conference call on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 8:00 A.M. Eastern Time. The conference call may be accessed by dialing (888) 204-4368 (toll free from within the U.S.) or +1-323-994-2093 (from outside of the U.S.) fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled start of the call; please reference “NFE Third Quarter 2023 Earnings Call” or conference code 2259665.

A simultaneous webcast of the conference call will be available to the public on a listen-only basis at within the “Investors” tab under “Events & Presentations.” Please allow extra time prior to the call to visit the website and download any necessary software required to listen to the internet broadcast. A replay of the conference call will be available at the same website location shortly after the conclusion of the live call.

About New Fortress Energy Inc.

New Fortress Energy Inc. (Nasdaq: NFE) is a global energy infrastructure company founded to help address energy poverty and accelerate the world’s transition to reliable, affordable, and clean energy. The company owns and operates natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure and an integrated fleet of ships and logistics assets to rapidly deliver turnkey energy solutions to global markets. Collectively, the company’s assets and operations reinforce global energy security, enable economic growth, enhance environmental stewardship and transform local industries and communities around the world.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain statements and information that may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release other than historical information are forward-looking statements that involve known and unknown risks and relate to future events, our future financial performance or our projected business results. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking words such as “expects,” “may,” “will,” “can,” “could,” “should,” “predicts,” “intends,” “plans,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “schedules,” “progress,” “targets,” “budgets,” “outlook,” “trends,” “forecasts,” “projects,” “guidance,” “focus,” “on track,” “goals,” “objectives,” “strategies,” “opportunities,” “poised,” or the negative version of those words or other comparable words. Forward looking statements include: our expectation regarding raising external capital; our earnings transition from predominantly open cargos to nearly 100% contracted downstream; the successful development, construction, completion, operation and/or deployment of facilities and the timing of first gas or first LNG, including our FLNG, Brazil, Nicaragua and Puerto Rico projects, on time, within budget and within the expected specifications, capacity and design; our expectation regarding increases in earnings and decreases in capital expenditures beginning in the fourth quarter of 2023 and through 2024, our ability to sell more than $1 billion of non-core assets; our ability to achieve our Illustrative Adjusted EBITDA Goal including the percentage from core downstream infrastructure as well as our expectation regarding cargo sales; our ability to enter into an agreement to increase volumes at our San Juan terminal as well as complete the scheduled expansion; the status of construction of our Barcarena power plant as well as the timing of its expected completion; the status and timing for our expected sale of the La Paz power plant; the status of our hydrogen projects, including the construction of our first plant; our expectation regarding the common dividend; and future strategic plans.; and all the information in the exhibits to this press release. These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates based upon current information and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of the Company’s control. Actual results or events may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements. Specific factors that could cause actual results to differ from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: risks related to the development, construction, completion or commissioning schedule for the facilities; risks related to the operation and maintenance of our facilities and assets; failure of our third-party contractors, equipment manufacturers, suppliers and operators to perform their obligations for the development, construction and operation of our projects, vessels and assets; our ability to implement our business strategy; the risk that proposed transactions may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, including related to the Company’s proposed Asset Sales, including whether a market will develop for such assets and whether the Company will be able to agree to acceptable pricing and other terms offered by potential buyers; inability to successfully develop and implement our technological solutions, including our Fast LNG technology, or that we do not receive the benefits we expect from the Fast LNG technology; cyclical or other changes in the LNG and natural gas industries; competition in the energy industry; the receipt of permits, approvals and authorizations from governmental and regulatory agencies on a timely basis or at all; new or changes to existing governmental policies, laws, rules or regulations, or the administration thereof; failure to maintain sufficient working capital and to generate revenues, which could adversely affect our ability to fund our projects; adverse regional, national, or international economic conditions, adverse capital market conditions and adverse political developments; and the impact of public health crises, such as pandemics (including coronavirus (COVID-19)) and epidemics and any related company or government policies and actions to protect the health and safety of individuals or government policies or actions to maintain the functioning of national or global economies and markets].


Investor Relations:

Chance Pipitone

Media Relations:

Ben Porritt
(516) 268-7403

Read full story here