Neste recognized in Global Child Forum’s benchmark for 2023

Neste has been recognized as a Leader in Global Child Forum’s global children’s rights and business benchmark, The State of Children’s Rights and Business 2023. Global Child Forum is a Swedish non-profit foundation benchmarking the world’s most influential companies, assessing how they respond to children’s rights. Neste was ranked among the top 15 companies out of the 795 benchmarked companies across eight sectors and six regions and placed as 2nd out of the 119 companies in the energy and utilities sector. The report recognizes Neste for making further improvements to its score since the 2021 benchmark and setting a positive example for the whole sector.

“The recognition by the Global Child Forum is yet another proofpoint of our long-term commitment to advancing children’s rights throughout our value chains. It makes me happy and proud. Safeguarding children’s rights and supporting education is a core element driving Neste’s sustainability vision forward, and in the heart of Neste’s company purpose, creating a healthier planet for our children,” says Minna Aila, Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Neste.

Neste is committed to respecting and supporting children’s rights throughout its operations