Myhree emerges a winner for Black Cat

Black Cat Syndicate has produced first ore from the Myhree tenement within its Kal East gold project in Western Australia.

Mining has advanced rapidly at Myhree, with Black Cat completing site set-up and the establishment and onboarding of personnel.

Both stage one and two at the Myhree open pit have achieved first ore ahead of plan and stockpiled. This stockpile is scheduled to be hauled to Paddington in September and mined and processed over 18 months.

“This is a significant milestone for Black Cat and it is only fitting that first ore was mined Myhree, the company’s inaugural discovery back in 2019,” Black Cat managing director Gareth Solly said.

“Mineral Mining Services (MMS) is making excellent progress both on a safety and productivity front in developing Myhree/Boundrey, with 24-hour load and haul operations underway and ore stockpile construction underway.

“Having commenced underground development at Paulsens and first ore mining at Kal East, we are only a gold pour away from being rerated from an explorer to a producer.”

Late last week, Black Cat announced that underground services had commenced at its Paulsens gold operation in Nanutarra, WA.

“Black Cat is rapidly expanding the operations team and mobile fleet as we ramp up mining activities as part of our high-grade stockpile strategy,” Solly said at the time.

“Paulsens is a hive of activity with upgrades to site facilities, underground mining and processing plant refurbishment all underway and accelerating.”

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