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Movex Innovation to showcase line of ultra-compact mini loaders at MINExpo – International Mining

Movex Innovation is set to showcase its line of ultra-compact electric, remote-controlled mini loaders, designed to tackle spillage and blockages in a range of applications, at MINExpo 2024, in Las Vegas, next month.

Material spillage continually challenges mine worldwide and poses significant operational and safety concerns. Traditional clean-up methods, such as manual shovelling and water hoses, are labour-intensive, hazardous and inefficient. They often lead to extended downtimes, increased operational costs and elevated risks to worker safety.

This is where the MINIDOZER 27” and MINIDOZER 48” ultra-compact mini loaders for mines and quarries come in.

Movex Innovation’s MINIDOZERs offer a transformative solution, the company says. Engineered for maximum efficiency and safety, these mini loaders can be used while conveyor systems are running, with the compact size allowing operations to access the hardest-to-reach areas.

The mini loaders require no certifications to operate and work perfectly in extreme heat and cold, according to the company, which says it offers comprehensive support and training. They also offer impressive battery life in any temperature conditions, according to the company.

MINExpo 2024 is due to run from September 24 to September 26 at the Las Vegas Convention Center