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MLG Oz has extended its relationship with Red 5, entering into two new contracts to continue its work at the King of the Hills (KOTH) gold mine in Western Australia.

The first contract is to extend the provision of services, and will see MLG supply bulk haulage and site services to support both KOTH and the Darlot gold mine, also in WA.

The second is a crushing offtake agreement for MLG quarrying operations, and grants access to MLG to continue production of construction grade aggregate materials from KOTH.

Both contract terms are for two years, and commenced on May 1.

“We are very pleased to have secured these ongoing works into our order book for the next two years,” MLG founder and managing director Murray Leahy said.

“The extension of our services with Red 5 builds on a relationship that commenced with their entry into the prolific Leonora mineral region in 2017. MLG is very proud of the relationship that we have built with Red 5 over this period as their team have delivered on their strategic initiatives.”

Leahy said the contracts will give MLG the chance to further its regional footprint.

“The material uplift in processing capacity that has come into place across the Leonora region in the last five years, and in particular the successful commissioning of Red 5’s large processing facility at KOTH provides MLG with the opportunity to further leverage our regional footprint in support of these large, centralised processing hubs, with MLG playing a pivotal part in the delivery of the hub and spoke operational methodology being adopted across the region,” he said.

“We look forward to further supporting Red 5 as they continue to build on their regional presence into the future.”

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