By Greg Owen, Suzy Chen and Vicky Wang
Today’s energy industry isn’t the one your parents knew. Not very long ago, players in the energy industry were grouped, at least in peoples’ minds, by their business lines. Some were oil companies, some were gas, some explorers, others, producers. Pipeline companies moved the products that others produced, coal fueled electricity generation, and everyone generally knew what the others were up to. The world has changed and so has the energy sector and all its players.
The world’s energy needs continue to increase but socio-economic, environmental priorities and political imperatives have increasingly been converging and sometimes clashing so that global energy players are no longer segmented; their assets, their operations, their businesses, cross sector lines. Oil and gas companies are invested in and operate renewables, drillers are accessing mineral brines as part of the battery supply chain and new markets are being explored and developed.
This push to diversify assets, operations and business lines is new to many. It adds complexity and uncertainty to companies who might be exploring opportunities, contemplating projects or holding assets that are significantly different from what they have previously. GLJ are the industry experts in the full range of evaluations in the energy sector and its dedicated Integrated Studies team are global leaders in responding to our clients’ needs and bring together comprehensive data, insight and analysis to deliver robust solutions to complex challenges.
“Integration is a key to success for our industry, our customers, and their business. GLJ’s Integrated Studies are tailored to our clients’ needs and bring together comprehensive data, insight and analysis to deliver robust solutions to complex challenges.” says Greg Owen, GLJ’s Vice President of New Ventures and Technical Services. “GLJ’s Integrated Studies team has conducted over 40 in-depth integrated studies in dozens of countries on 6 continents. Our work in this area provides clients with the data, analysis, and recommendations they need to fully understand and take advantage of their whole asset-base.”
Our clients access best-in-class engineering and geoscience expertise and practices. We leverage decades of experience in Canadian and international reservoirs and access to world-class partners to develop state-of-the-art comprehensive asset models. We combine:
- Advanced Asset Modelling:
- Reservoir Characterization
- Depletion, Waterflood & EOR Modelling
- Geomechanical Modelling
- Frac & DFN Modelling
- Field Optimization
- Integrated Asset Modelling
- Economic Modelling & Risking
- Asset Management
- Data Integration & Intelligence
- Production Performance & Benchmarking Analysis
- Analogue & Type Curve Analysis
- Supply Studies
- Production Optimization Opportunity Analysis
- Operational Bottleneck Analysis
- Development Scenario Analysis
- Full Economic Analysis, including Budget, Cost & Royalty
- Development Scenario Analysis
Advanced Asset Modelling
- Subsurface Models:
- Geophysical interpretation
- Petrophysical interpretation
- Geological modelling
- Geomechanics
- Frac modelling & DFN modelling
- 1D & 3D mechanical earth models (MEMs)
- Geomechanics coupled with dynamic simulation
- Dynamic simulation
- Full field history match of conventional and unconventional Reservoirs
- Primary, waterflood & EOR simulation
- Black oil, compositional & thermal simulation
- Surface Models
- Wellbore models
- Network models
- Process models
- Optimization with integrated asset models
- Economic and Financial Models
- Fiscal regime review & modelling (including royalties & taxes)
- Price decks & offsets
- Financial incentives (government grants & incentives, royalty relief, credits)
- Lease-Op analysis, Capex & Opex projections, economic sensitivities & ranking
“We follow a rigorous process to ensure that we can really capture the whole picture of our clients’ current and future reality,” says Suzy Chen, Vice President of Integrated Studies. Our workflow involves the integration of geocelluar models, geomechanical modelling & coupling, frac modelling, wellbore modelling, field development planning, production optimization and economic evaluation. It is all about minimizing risk and maximizing value. That is the service our Integrated Studies team at GLJ provides our clients.”
In March, GLJ Integrated Studies team members will present at two conferences that consider issues that are relatively new in the energy sector, including CCS/CCUS. GLJ’s Manager of Integrated Studies, Vicky Wang, presents GLJ’s study “Understanding Thermal-Induced Risks on CO2 Storage Capacity and Caprock Integrity: Integrating Real World CCS Data and Geomechanical Modeling of a Saline Aquifer in Central Alberta,” at the SPE, AAPG, SEG CCUS Conference in Houston.
GLJ’s team, including Vicky Wang, Zan Chen, Mitchell Gillrie, and Suzy Chen, quantified the risks of thermal effects on storage capacity and containment using real-world data from a CCS project. Vicky will explain how the injected cold CO2 encounters significant temperature changes from the wellhead to the bottomhole and storage destination in a deep saline aquifer. Understanding the thermal-induced risks, stemming from geomechanical uncertainties, micro-seismicity, and fluid property variations, is critical for successful Carbon Capture and Storage operations. GLJ’s study provides guidelines to mitigate the risks of containment breaches and assists with MMV plan updates. To learn more visit CCUS 2024 Houston (
At the SPE CET Conference in Calgary, Vicky presents GLJ’s report: Risk Mitigation and Pressure Management in the Strategic Planning of Regional CCS Hub System in Alberta. Co-authored by Vicky Wang, Jordan Hughes, Mitchell Gillrie, Zan Chen, Graham Dolce and Suzy Chen, the report considers that five of the 25 hubs with approved evaluation permits are located adjacently to facilitate emission reduction from Alberta’s industrial heartland. Including the Quest CCS project, six hubs covering approximate 40,000 km2 aim to store CO2 in a large saline aquifer. However, there is limited information available regarding quantifying interference risks at a regional level. This study identifies critical risks and proposes mitigation plans to strategically manage the CCS projects from a large-scale aquifer perspective. It also indicates the necessities to establish regional protocols as guidance to proactively avoid potential significant interferences.
If you’re looking to get the most from your asset base and gain a deep understanding of the challenges you’re facing as well your full CCUS potential, get in touch with GLJ’s Integrated Studies Team.
Suzy Chen Vice President of Integrated Studies
Suzy Chen is the Vice President of GLJ’s Integrated Studies team. With over twenty-eight years of experience in the energy industry, Suzy has worked with all types of oil and gas assets, with the focus on long-range field development planning, reservoir performance evaluations & optimization, implementation of new technologies, as well as integrated modeling & simulation. Suzy has worked on numerous waterflood & EOR projects for both conventional and unconventional reservoirs throughout her career with recent focus on energy transition and CCUS projects by providing comprehensive services and support in strategic planning, subsurface techno-economic evaluations, MMV and risk assessment.
Greg Owen, Vice President of New Ventures & Technical Service
Greg Owen is the Vice President of New Ventures & Technical Services for GLJ Ltd., a global energy consultancy. With over thirty years of experience in global energy, Greg has a diverse background in energy. He specializes in integrated energy management and in his role at GLJ he has been successful at helping clients world-wide with the global energy transition. As an expert in emerging energies, global energy trends and carbon management, Greg has presented in workshops and conferences in Europe, Africa, South America, the USA, Australia, and Canada.
Vicky Wang, Manager Integrated Studies
Vicky (Xiaoqi) Wang is Manager of the Integrated Studies group of GLJ Ltd. She has over 18 years of diversified industry experience in reservoir and completion engineering. Since 2008, Vicky has been involved in various CO2 sequestration projects for different research institutes, energy companies, and service companies, encompassing conventional, unconventional, and oil sands reservoirs. Since joining GLJ in early 2022, Vicky has primarily focused on CCUS fluid flow and geomechanics modelling. Her extensive expertise lies in CCUS, IOR/EOR, and the integration of innovative technologies with field implementations.
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