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MINI presented the installation “MINI INHABIT SOUND”

London, 15 November 2023, (Oilandgaspress) – 5.000 visitors of ADI Museum had the chance to experience MINI Inhabit Sound from 24th October to 5th November 2023. The project was realised thanks to the partnership between MINI and SOS School of Sustainability, a school founded in 2015 by Mario Cucinella that offers a 9-month post-graduate programme for young designers in the field of Architecture and Sustainable Design. It is the result of a training and creative path curated by Renzo Vitale, Creative Director Sound Design at BMW Group, together with a group of international students from the 2022/23 academic year and focused on the theme of Sound Design.

“Through the collaboration with SOS – School of Sustainability,” says Federica Manzoni, Head of MINI Italy, “our brand aims to promote young talent and wants to underline its commitment to the world of design by encouraging reflection on the theme of sustainability in the urban environment, a perfect example of MINI’s philosophy: Big Love for the People, Big Love for the Planet, Big Love for the Progress. In this scenario, trends and styles, creativity and communication, design culture and technology are key concepts for developing joint initiatives.”

“MINI is an iconic design object in continuous evolution, in step with the times, but always faithful to its original,” continues Federica Manzoni. “Its heart beats to the rhythm of the city. It is always in line with the trends of the moment, but also and above all attentive to much more important issues that have to do with the urban fabric, the city of the future and those who populate it.”

The project and MINI’s vision of sustainability
Sustainability in the urban environment is indeed at the heart of MINI’s strategy, which was originally born as a small, efficient, urban car in response to a fuel crisis in the 1950s, and evolved by anticipating the needs of the time and taking bold steps to create a future.

Sustainability is well-being for the planet, for its ecosystem, but also for mankind, whose behaviour has a decisive impact on the overall coexistence and evolution of living beings. Well-being means, among other things, psychophysical balance, often achieved through a gratification of the senses, not least that of hearing.

Sound as an element of city identity
The course devised and implemented by MINI under the supervision of Renzo Vitale, Creative Director Sound Design of the BMW Group, together with the young international students, focused on research into sound design, a discipline that plays a fundamental role in the realisation of a project.

Sounds contribute to defining the identity of a city, so getting to know them is both a starting point for understanding their nature and function, but also a point of arrival for redesigning the dynamics of listening and making conscious use of them for collective wellbeing.

Acoustics characterises and defines a space, and the sustainability in this matter is becoming increasingly important in architectural, building and urban design, as well as in the production of objects and in the reinterpretation of the environments we habitually frequent, from cars to workspaces to cities.

Information Source: Read full article

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