Metso launches the first hydrogen LowNOx burner for traveling grate pelletizing plants

Metso is introducing a hydrogen version of the FerroflameLowNOx burner as part of its NextGen Pelletizing plant product range. It is a first-of-its-kind burner to run on hydrogen and to operate on the LowNOx combustion principle. Designed especially for the traveling grate pelletizing plants, these burners are 100% hydrogen powered.

Hydrogen-powered Ferroflame LowNOx burners use the same combustion principle as that of existing burners for natural gas launched in 2022. They can readily replace traditional burners in a traveling grate pelletizing plant, and the Ferroflame LowNOx burners for natural gas can be modified to run on hydrogen.

“We are very excited to bring the hydrogen-variant of the Ferroflame LowNOx burner for traveling grate pelletizing plants to the market. Its laboratory-proven functionality and performance with hydrogen can be implemented in pelletizing plants and can help customers in meeting COand NOx targets. We see these burners  as a stepping-stone towards decarbonization of the pelletizing industry,” said Dr. Andreas Munko, senior product manager, ferrous and heat transfer at Metso.

The hydrogen burners are part of Metso’s NextGen Pelletizing concept, which is designed on the vision for the next generation of pelletizing plants that strive to be carbon-neutral and autonomous.

Metso also has an exhaustive suite of digital solutions that help improve process performance, production capacity and product quality, as well as reduce energy consumption, environmental impact, and operation and maintenance costs. These solutions include VisioPellet, Optimus Process optimizer, pallet car condition monitoring system, and training simulator, among others.

More information about NextGen Pelletizing and LowNOx burners is available on the Metso website.