Major leadership shake-ups at Poseidon

Poseidon Nickel has announced major leadership changes that will take effect throughout October.

These key leadership changes arrive a week after Poseidon Nickel provided an update on its projects and exploration plans.

“Since the decision was made, in mid-July 2023, to defer the restart (of the Black Swan project), the board and executive team has been looking at ways to reduce costs in the business both at the corporate and asset levels,” Poseidon Nickel current managing director and chief executive officer (CEO) Peter Harold said of the leadership changes, which is estimated to help the company save about $3 million annually, along with changes made at its sites.

Taking effect from October 2

Poseidon Nickel general manager of mining Craig Jones will serve as the company’s chief executive officer (CEO).

Jones first joined Poseidon Nickel in February 2022. He is an experienced mining executive and qualified mining engineer who has almost 30 years of experience in the WA underground hard-rock mining sector.

Jones was the chief operating officer at Bellevue Gold prior to joining Poseidon Nickel. Through this role, he was instrumental in establishing the restart of the Bellevue gold project by leading the feasibility study and being instrumental in the financing of the operation.

Harold will transition into acting as the company’s chair. He has acted as the company’s managing director and CEO since March 2020, where he has led the company during the COVID-19 pandemic and oversaw it reach key milestones such as the delivery of the Black Swan project’s 2022 feasibility study.

Taking effect from October 27

Poseidon Nickel current chair Derek La Ferla will retire. He has been acted in this role since November 2019.

Poseidon Nickel non-executive director Dean Hildebrand will also retire. Hildebrand first joined the company board in July 2020 to represent the company’s major shareholder, Black Mountain Metals.

Harold thanked La Ferla and Hildebrand for their service and dedication, and Jones for taking on the CEO role.

“I am passionate about Poseidon, its assets and its people and will transition from my current role to non-executive chair. I look forward to assisting Craig and the executive team over this transition period,” he said.