Leading the charge: Erol Arican’s strategic vision for Supagas

In today’s competitive market, where companies often compete with like-for-like products, standing out requires more than just meeting the standard; it demands innovation and a commitment to going above and beyond.

Supagas, a leading supplier of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and industrial gases, is exemplifying this approach under the leadership of managing director Erol Arican.

With a diverse background in engineering, operations, change management and board roles (all specialising in gas), Arican is steering the company not just to compete but to redefine its market space.

Through its ‘Yes We Can’ ethos, Supagas places a strong emphasis on customer engagement, actively fostering connections that extend beyond mere transactions which has led Supagas winning the Canstar award for exceptional customer service for the past four years.

“We connect to our customers in many ways,” Arican said.

He highlighted the importance of understanding both the successes and the challenges faced by customers.

“We hear both the good work we are doing and positive outcomes, but also some areas where there are challenges.”

This open line of communication ensures that Supagas not only responds to but anticipates the needs of their customers, reinforcing their commitment to service excellence.

Building on this foundation of robust customer relationships, Supagas has honed its focus on strategic growth and operational efficiencies.

“My day-to-day really is about seeking the next opportunity, whether it’s a new location, footprint, or product,” Arican said.

This approach not only enhances their service offerings but also ensures that they remain at the forefront of the industry.

Arican believes Supagas’ optimal size and market position uniquely equip it to seize new opportunities.

“We’re not the largest, which can restrict opportunities, nor are we the smallest; we can explore various opportunities,” Arican said.

This flexibility allows Supagas to act swiftly and effectively in the competitive LPG market.

This year’s focus involves executing large contracts and fortifying the operational base, enhancing the company’s role in both residential and commercial sectors.

“We are growing to become a major force in the LPG and industrial gas markets, significantly expanding our contribution to these areas,” Arican said.

He also emphasises the company’s role in advancing potential renewable LPG, expected to grow in significance over the next decade.

Supagas has taken significant strides in enhancing its sustainability practices over the past few years, demonstrating a firm commitment to environmental stewardship.

“Over the past two years, we’ve installed over a megawatt of solar generation on the rooftops of our facilities,” Arican said.

The company has also transitioned much of its vehicle fleet to hybrids, particularly for the sales team, embracing a hybrid-only model for incoming passenger vehicles.

Furthering their commitment, Supagas is nearing the completion of obtaining climate certification, which will enable customers to opt into a program for LPG with an offset scheme.

“We source the majority of our CO2 from a sustainable CO2 stream, positioning us as one of the few companies who do so,” Arican said.

Community support forms a cornerstone of Supagas’ operations, reflecting its broader ethos of social responsibility. Arican emphasises the importance of community involvement.

“Supporting communities is crucial,” he said.

In addition to general support, Supagas also contributes to children’s hospitals and sponsors various charities, engaging regularly in causes that enhance the well-being of communities nationwide.

In customer relations, Supagas aims to be recognised for exceptional support and a broad product range.

“We supply everything from LPG for home heating to specialised gases for laboratories, touching every aspect of our customers’ lives and making a difference,” Arican said.

Arican also highlighted the competitive advantages of LPG over natural gas, pointing out the general lack of consumer awareness about their differences.

“LPG is not only highly affordable but also increasingly vital as natural gas becomes less commercially viable,” he said.

Looking ahead, Arican is optimistic about Supagas’ role in the energy transition, especially with the potential future availability of renewable LPG.

“The industry must have comfort in the longevity & versatility of LPG as a major energy stream,” he said.

Arican’s view on the company’s slogan, “Yes We Can,” reflects a proactive approach.

“It’s about focusing on possibilities rather than limitations, finding solutions where others see obstacles,” he said, underscoring the ethos that sets Supagas apart in a competitive industry.

Discover the full range of services and products offered by Supagas and explore their commitment to excellence at their official website: Supagas.