King at QME: Resources industry ‘vital’ to Australia’s future

Federal Minister for Resources Madeleine King has addressed Queensland Mining Exhibition (QME) attendees with a message on the future of the resources industry.

QME is currently underway, set to wrap up tomorrow at Mackay Showgrounds, which has been transformed into a hub of activity with over 7000 square metres of exhibition space to host thousands of attendees.

King said events like QME remind people in cities of the value to the economy regions and regional centres like Mackay provide.

“People in Mackay and in central Queensland understand how important the resources industry is to Queensland’s economy,” she said.

“And Queenslanders get the importance of the resources industry to the prosperity of the state and nation.”

King said the whole country feels the benefits of a strong resources industry but warned against sitting back and expecting the good times to continue for ever.

“The economy is changing,” she said. “The nature of global trade is changing.

“We need to change and adapt too so that future generations can enjoy the benefits of the resources sector that we have.

“The world is changing fast. Australia needs to respond to these changes so we can create jobs and wealth for future generations.”

King emphasised the resources industry is key to unlocking Australia’s prosperity into the future.

“Resources have delivered for Australia in the past and will do so into the future,” she said.

While critical minerals were central to King’s address, highlighting the Government’s Future Made in Australia policy which has allocated billions to progressing the sector, King was firm there is still a place for traditional resources.

“We want to help lift productivity, grow high value-added industries, and boost innovation,” King said.

“Critical minerals and rare earths are central to a Future Made in Australia and the acceleration of the clean energy transition.

“But so are traditional resources like the bauxite required to produce aluminium, and iron ore and metallurgical coal needed for steel.

“All of these mineral ingredients build our modern way of life.”

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