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INFOGRAPHIC: Renewable Energy Consumption by Country – ENERGYminute – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

By Cody Good

renewable energy consumption by country energyminute

Courtesy of ENERGYminute
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The adoption of renewable energy sources has been driven by various factors, including environmental concerns, energy security, and decreasing costs. A country’s ability to generate renewables is highly dependent on its geography and abundance of natural resources. Many of the countries with the highest percentage of renewable energy generation use hydroelectricity.


Hydropower is one of the oldest and most established forms of renewable energy. China is the largest consumer of hydroelectric power, followed by Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Russia.


Wind energy has seen significant growth globally. It involves harnessing the kinetic energy of the wind to generate electricity. Leading countries in wind energy consumption include China, the United States, Germany, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. Offshore wind farms have gained prominence, particularly in European countries like the United Kingdom and Denmark.


Solar energy, generated from photovoltaic (PV) panels, has experienced rapid expansion worldwide. China is the largest consumer of solar energy, followed by the United States, Japan, India, and Germany.


  • Iceland: Iceland is a prime example of a country that heavily relies on geothermal energy for its electricity and heating needs. Due to its unique geological location, Iceland has abundant geothermal resources, and over 80% of its primary energy consumption comes from geothermal and hydropower sources.
  • Brazil: Brazil is a notable user of biofuels, especially ethanol produced from sugarcane. Ethanol is blended with gasoline and widely used in the country’s transportation sector. Brazil is one of the world’s largest producers and consumers of biofuels.
  • United Kingdom: The UK has been at the forefront of developing tidal and wave energy technologies. Projects like the MeyGen tidal stream array in Scotland have demonstrated the potential of harnessing energy from ocean tides and waves.


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