Hunter Valley Operations pushes forward with plans

Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) remains committed to advancing its HVO continuation project, ensuring the future of mining in the region while meeting regulatory requirements.

The HVO continuation project involves extending the life of the HVO North mine from 2025 to 2050 and HVO South mine from 2030 to 2045.

HVO said this will see little change to the “scale or intensity” of mining, while there is no increase to approved annual production rates.

HVO is seeking approval for the continuation project from both the NSW and Federal Governments.

In response to a request from the NSW Government, HVO is working to provide more information through further modelling and mine planning to deliver more detailed insights into the proposal.

As part of this process, HVO has deferred its Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) application to the Australian Government.

This pause allows the company to gather and supply the necessary information to both the state and federal authorities, ensuring a comprehensive and transparent assessment of the project under the EPBC Act.

Meanwhile, HVO is seeking a short-term extension from the NSW Government to continue mining within its currently approved area.

This extension will provide additional time for both state and federal assessments, while also safeguarding the jobs of HVO’s workforce and offering stability to contractors, local businesses, and community partners.

HVO remains committed to ensuring ongoing community engagement throughout this process.

Local residents and stakeholders are invited to learn more about the HVO continuation project through upcoming community information sessions or by visiting the project’s dedicated website.

Hunter Valley Operations has been a significant player in the region’s mining landscape for decades.

Operating in the heart of the Hunter Valley, a region with a rich history in coal mining dating back to the 1800s, HVO has contributed not only to the local economy but also to the growth of mining as a key industry in New South Wales.

This continuation HVO says will potentially provide 1500 local jobs and 600 temporary jobs while upgrading infrastructure.

As the company moves forward with its continuation project, it aims to carry on this legacy, providing energy resources and economic benefits to the community for years to come.

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