Halo Environmental: Pipeline Pillows – Canadian Energy News, Top Headlines, Commentaries, Features & Events – EnergyNow

Foam blocks for pipe supports and pillows designed for high compressive strength and resistance to deterioration.


Supporting the pipeline in the trench can be a labor intensive task when using sandbags. Especially when done in the winter months and the sandbags are frozen, they are hard to work with, can slide out of position and can tear apart leading to ineffective pipeline support.

Not to mention labor to install is increased when there are a significant amount of sandbags needed.

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Pre-made lightweight polystyrene pipeline pillows that are easily stacked in place under the pipe sections. These pillows do not break down after backfill, will last forever, come in varying densities for small or large OD pipeline size and will not compress or get crushed with the weight of the line.

These blocks can be installed in any temperature, do not absorb water and can even be cut to fit in areas where the trench is not uniform.

LEARN MORE about our pipeline pillows


  • 30psi foam blocks available.
  • 30” long x 12”wide x 7.3/4 thick.
  • Light weight and easy to install.
  • Low cost when compared to sand bags and other spray foam options.
  • Will not absorb water or deteriorate when backfilled.

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LEARN MORE about our pipeline pillows

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