Greg McLean: Please Sign the Just Transition Petition – It’s Anything But “Just” – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

greg mclean just transition petition

The Liberal Government introduced their job killing “Just Transition” legislation – rebranded as the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act.

We need your help to fight this in the House of Commons.

I’ve written before about the Liberals’ proposed “Just Transition” plan for 170,000 oil and gas workers.

They previously tried exactly this same plan for coal workers, and it was a disaster for the workers – albeit a pot of gold for consultants, planners and municipal report-writers. Workers were left with EI cheques, hollowed out communities, and housing prices that crashed, destroying their home equity.

We can’t let that happen to oil and gas workers.

It’s not just me.

“The government is not prepared to provide appropriate support to more than 50 communities and 170,000 workers in the fossil fuel sector.”

Jerry V. DeMarco, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development,  June 7, 2022

Yet, somehow it wants to pretend it can just walk into a complex system that has been managed by provincial governments when they’ve already proven they have NONE of this functional expertise.

If you agree, please sign my petition.

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