Green Climate Fund Pledge Tracker – CleanTechnica

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest multilateral fund dedicated to helping developing countries address the climate crisis.

Created in 2010, the Fund had its initial resource mobilization (IRM) in 2014 receiving $10.3 billion in pledges from 45 countries. The GCF underwent its first replenishment (GCF-1) in 2019, garnering a further $10 billion in pledges from 32 countries.

The GCF has a number of innovative design features, and is key to the grand bargain behind the Paris Agreement: that all countries need to do much more to tackle the climate crisis, but that the poorest countries, who did the least to cause the problem and are hit first and worst by its impacts, require support from the richest and highest polluting countries.

Chart by Joe Thwaites/NRDC

The GCF’s Second Replenishment

In 2023 the GCF will be having its second replenishment (GCF-2). The formal pledging conference will take place in October but as in 2014 and 2019 many countries are likely to announce their pledges in advance.

The following pledges to the second replenishment have been announced so far:

The Pledge Tracker

To help assess the state of play on the GCF’s second replenishment, NRDC is tracking the pledges and will provide updates as new announcements come in throughout the year.

  • Figure 1 shows each country’s pledges over the GCF’s three fundraising rounds.
  • Figure 2 shows the total pledges from all countries to each fundraising round.
  • Figure 3 shows how much the highest contributing countries have pledged to GCF-2 compared to their previous highest pledge, either from the IRM or GCF-1.
  • The table shows the amount each country has pledged to each fundraising round in original currency and converted intoU.S. dollars, the percentage change in pledge between the IRM and GCF-1 and between GCF-1 and GCF-2 (based on pledge currency), and the cumulative amount pledged in U.S. dollars.

Latest update: 10th September 2023.

Chart by Joe Thwaites/NRDC

Chart by Joe Thwaites/NRDC

Green Climate Fund Pledges (millions)

Country (in order of total pledged) Initial Resource Mobilization (IRM) 2014 First Replenishment (GCF-1) 2019 Second Replenishment (GCF-2) 2023 Change IRM to GCF-1 Change GCF-1 to GCF-2 Total Pledged (U.S. dollars)
Pledge currency U.S. dollars Pledge currency U.S. dollars Pledge currency U.S. dollars
United Kingdom £720.0 $1,211.0 £1,440.0 $1,851.9 £1,620.0 $2000.0 100% 13% $5,062.9
Germany € 750.0 $1,003.3 €1,500.0 $1,689.8 €2,000.0 $2,205.7 100% 33% $4,898.8
Japan ¥154,028.7 $1,500.0 ¥164,870.1 $1,521.2 7% $3,021.2
United States $3,000.0 $3,000.0 -100% $3,000.0
France €750.0 $1,036.8 €1,500.0 $1,794.7 100% $2,831.5
Sweden 4,000.0 kr $581.2 8,000.0 kr $852.5 100% $1,433.7
Canada CA$300.0 $277.0 CA$300.0 $230.1 CA$450.0 $333.7 0% 50% $847.9
Norway 1,689.1 kr $272.2 3,600.0 kr $434.2 113% $706.4
Italy €250.0 $334.4 €300.0 $337.9 20% $672.3
Republic of Korea $100.0 $100.0 $200.0 $200.5 $300.0 $300.0 100% 50% $600.5
Canada $300.0 $277.0 $300.0 $230.1 0% $507.1
Denmark 400.0 kr. $71.8 800.0 kr. $126.0 1,600.0 kr. $232.2 100% 100% $430.0
Austria €26.0 $34.8 €130.0 $152.5 €160.0 $172.9 400% 23% $363.8
Spain €120.0 $160.5 $150.0 $176.5 25% $337.0
Netherlands €100.0 $133.8 $120.0 $140.1 20% $273.9
Switzerland $100.0 $100.0 $150.0 $155.5 50% $255.5
Finland €80.0 $107.0 €100.0 $114.9 25% $221.9
Belgium €76.9 $102.3 €102.2 $119.5 33% $221.8
Australia AU$200.4 $187.3 -100% $187.3
Luxembourg €35.0 $46.8 €40.0 $46.3 14% $93.1
Ireland €8.0 $10.7 €16.0 $18.7 100% $29.4
Russian Federation $3.0 $3.0 $10.0 $10.5 233% $13.5
New Zealand NZ$3.0 $2.6 NZ$15.0 $10.6 400% $13.2
Monaco €1.8 $2.3 €3.8 $4.4 €3.3 $3.6 111% -13% $10.3
Mexico $10.0 $10.0 -100% $10.0
Czechia 110.0 Kč $5.3 €4 $4.3 -100% 100% $9.7
Colombia $6.0 $6.0 -100% $6.0
Peru $6.0 $6.0 -100% $6.0
Hungary 1,000.0 Ft $4.3 200.0 Ft $0.7 -80% $5.0
Slovakia $2.0 $2.0 €2.0 $2.3 15% $4.3
Portugal €2.0 $2.7 €1.0 $1.2 -50% $3.9
Iceland $1.0 $1.0 $2.8 $2.9 180% $3.9
Poland 0.4 zł $0.1 $3.0 $3.2 3100% $3.3
Estonia €1.0 $1.3 -100% $1.3
Slovenia €1.0 $1.2 $1.2
Malta €0.4 $0.6 €0.8 $1.0 100% $1.6
Panama $1.0 $1.0 -100% $1.0
Vietnam $1.0 $1.0 -100% $1.0
Indonesia $0.3 $0.3 $0.5 $0.5 67% $0.8
Cyprus €0.4 $0.5 -100% $0.5
Latvia €0.4 $0.5 -100% $0.5
Liechtenstein 0.1 CHF $0.1 0.2 CHF $0.2 100% $0.3
Chile $0.3 $0.3 -100% $0.3
Bulgaria €0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 0% $0.2
Romania $0.1 $0.1 €0.0 $0.1 -50% $0.2
Lithuania €0.1 $0.1 -100% $0.1
Mongolia $0.1 $0.1 -100% $0.1
TOTAL $10,322.0 $10,001.5 $5,207.6 $25,531.1

Sources: GCF (2023) Status of Pledges (IRM and GCF-1); second replenishment pledges added as announced.

Note: GCF-2 pledges as of 10th September 2023. At the first consultation meeting for the second replenishment, participants agreed on using the six-month period of 1 January 2023 through 30 June 2023 to calculate reference

Republished from NRDC. By Joe Thwaites, Senior Advocate, International Climate Finance, International Program

Featured image: logo of Green Climate Fund, public domain.

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