Great Atlantic Resources samples 920 ppm lithium at Glenelg, New Brunswick

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Great Atlantic Resources Corp. [TSXV-GR; FSE-PHO2] received additional analytical results for rock samples collected during 2023 at its Glenelg vanadium-gold-antimony property, located in southwestern New Brunswick.

Rock samples collected in one area of the property returned anomalous lithium values of 820 parts per million (ppm) and 920 ppm (0.082% lithium (Li) and 0.092% Li). The Glenelg property is located immediately south of the Clarence Stream project of Galway Metals Inc. [TSXV-GWM; OTCQB-GATMF].

The 2023 rock samples anomalous for lithium were collected within the northern region of the Glenelg property. An outcrop grab sample from a highly oxidized and locally faulted outcrop returned an anomalous value of 820 ppm lithium. A grab sample from a granite boulder with quartz veins returned an anomalous value of 920 ppm lithium. The distance between these two rock sample locations is approximately 320 metres in a northwest-southeast direction. Great Atlantic is planning additional prospecting and rock geochemical sampling in this area during 2024.

The company recently discovered gold and antimony mineralization within the southern region of the Glenelg property. A 2023 rock grab sample from an altered, pyrite-bearing outcrop in the southern region of the property returned 0.501 g/t gold. A 2022 rock grab sample from a quartz-carbonate-stibnite vein in the southern region of the property returned 23.4% antimony. The vein/fault is 0.6 metres wide where the 2022 1.83-kg grab sample was collected. This high-grade antimony sample was analyzed by ALS Canada Ltd. by XRF (following lithium borate fusion) after initial analysis of the sample by ICP-AES exceeded 10,000 ppm antimony (>1% Sb) and 50,000 ppm antimony (>5% Sb). Additional samples were collected during 2023 from this vein which were recently submitted to ALS Canada Ltd. for analysis of which the analytical results are pending.

A 2018 grab sample collected by the company from a magnetic layer in the Bocabec Gabbro Complex returned 0.188% vanadium (0.33% V2O5), 10.3% TiO2 and 25.71% iron. This sample was analyzed by ALS Canada Ltd. by lithium borate fusion and XRF finish.

Part of the northern boundary of the Glenelg Property borders the Clarence Stream Project of Galway Metals Inc. Galway reported a NI 43-101 resource estimate for the project during 2022, reporting total Indicated resources of 12,396,000 tonnes at 2.31 g/t gold (contained 922,000 ounces of gold and 9,605 tonnes of antimony) and total Inferred resources of 15,963,000 tonnes at 2.60 g/t gold (contained 1,334,000 ounces of gold and 2,145 tonnes of antimony). Readers are warned that mineralization at the Clarence Stream Project is not necessarily indicative of mineralization within the Glenelg Property.

Great Atlantic Resources is focused on the discovery and development of mineral assets in the resource-rich and sovereign risk-free realm of Atlantic Canada.

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