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Gould’s Dam shows promise for Boss

Boss Energy has released the results of its infill drilling project at Gould’s Dam in South Australia.

Gould’s Dam lies 80km north–west of the Boss’ Honeymoon uranium project, and revealed a host of strong results with promising future production rates, supporting Boss’ plan to grow the mine’s life.

“These latest infill drilling results demonstrate the quality of the Gould’s Dam deposit and the strong potential for it to play an important role in the growth strategy at Honeymoon,” Boss managing director Duncan Craib said.

“In light of all the drilling results we have received, we have decided to start baseline technical and economic studies on Gould’s Dam with the aim of moving it towards development.”

The drilling program at Gould’s Dam was designed to infill a number of gaps within the existing drilling coverage and twin a series of historical drill holes to confirm grade intercepts.

The aim was to provide detailed geological and hydrogeological information of the Eyre formation sediments hosting the uranium mineralisation across the deposit.

As part of the ongoing assessment process, Boss will drill two sonic core holes and install six groundwater monitoring wells.

“We will also undertake scout drilling to potentially grow the overall Gould’s Dam resource,” Craib said.

“This approach is consistent with our overall aim of growing Honeymoon’s production, which will in turn enable us to capitalise fully on the infrastructure we are establishing at the project, in turn driving strong financial returns.”

Boss’ exploration strategy has already more than quadrupled the joint ore reserve committee (JORC) resource at Honeymoon from 16.6 million pounds (Mlbs) to 71.6Mlbs since the company acquired the project in December 2015.

The current mine life plan at Honeymoon is based on just 50 per cent of the existing JORC resource.