Gogoro To Power Uber Eats With Battery Swap Tech in Taiwan – CleanTechnica

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Two-wheeled vehicles are, in many ways, the ideal vehicle to build into an EV. Their low energy usage means a lot less battery is needed. It’s also important to keep in mind that many motorcycles and scooters globally are powered by nasty two-stroke engines. So, they’re really the cheapest way to get a lot of environmental impact.

But, just like in the United States, there’s a challenge to adopting them in many places: charging. In many countries where scooters and motorcycles are a popular way to get around, people live in dense housing. Without their own driveway to plug it in, it’s tough to actually get the scooter charged up at night.

But, Gogoro figured out a way around that problem in Taiwan. Scooter batteries are small, so it’s actually possible to build them into removable housings, much like an e-bike. The company broke them down into handleable modules so that anybody could lift them. Then, Gogoro put battery swap stations all over the place at convenient locations, like convenience stores. A rider with a low battery can pull up, put their batteries into the station, and unlock two fully-charged ones in seconds. The scooters are also able to charge by plugging in or hauling the batteries up the stairs if needed.

But, scooters aren’t just about commuting in places like Taiwan. Many people use them for serious work, including deliveries. So, it’s great news that Gogoro struck a deal with Uber Eats Taiwan, called the “Green Delivery Program”. This should make it a lot easier for delivery riders to switch to EVs.

The two companies have joined forces in a lucrative two-year partnership valued at almost US$30 million. Both companies are providing funding for this venture. As part of this collaboration, delivery partners will enjoy discounts on new Gogoro Smartscooters and battery swapping programs. On top of that, they will be rewarded for making deliveries using Gogoro Smartscooters. Through this initiative, Uber Eats anticipates a significant increase in EV deliveries in Taiwan, with the goal of reaching 40% of all trips by the end of 2025, doubling the current rate of nearly 20%.

“One of the greatest challenges of our time is transforming urban transportation to cleaner sustainable energy. Through this partnership in Taiwan, Gogoro and Uber are reducing the barriers for Uber Eats riders to embrace and adopt smart mobility in all of their deliveries,” said Horace Luke, founder and CEO of Gogoro. “On average, last mile delivery riders ride more than six-times the distance as consumer riders, so enabling these delivery riders to adopt smart sustainable electric transportation can have an accelerated impact on a city.”

The program signifies a strengthening of Gogoro’s and Uber Eats’ mutual dedication to a more environmentally friendly future for Taiwan. Earlier this year, both companies introduced discounted pricing that was swiftly embraced by delivery partners across the board.

“Making it easy and affordable for delivery partners to switch to electric scooters is a top priority for Uber Eats in Taiwan,” said Chai Lee, Uber Eats Taiwan General Manager“We have already seen how Uber Eats delivery partners have embraced Gogoro’s EV scooters and smart battery-swapping technology. Today’s agreement stands to supercharge this, bringing cleaner air to cities across Taiwan and helping us toward our goal of eliminating emissions on all global deliveries by 2040.”

Featured image provided by Gogoro and Uber Eats Taiwan.

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