Federal Court Approves Consent Order Requiring Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault to Unblock Rebel News Publisher Levant on Official Government Twitter Feed – Includes Cost Award to Publisher – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry | EnergyNow.ca

The order issued by Federal Court Justice Russel Zinn ends an action Levant filed two years ago claiming the Liberal minister was violating his constitutional rights by blocking him.

Levant argued that his inability to see or respond to Guilbeault’s posts on the platform limited his ability to engage in debate on matters of public concern.Lawyers in the case wrote to Zinn on Sept. 7 consenting to an order that would resolve the matter.

Under the order, the minister must ensure his X account unblocks Levant immediately and for as long as Guilbeault remains a member of Parliament.

University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist, who has followed the case, says while the order does not affirm a constitutional right, it sends a strong signal about the state of the law.

Regardless of your views of either Levant or Guilbeault, the principle that government ministers should not block access to their feeds given the implications for freedom of expression is an important one.

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