Farallon Mexico Metal Mine Hits Full Production

The G-9 Mine in Guerrero State, Mexico, has reached full commercial production, Canadian operator Farallon has announced.

The mine reached full design production capacity of 1,500 tonnes per day on a sustained basis from 5 March and commercial production as of 1 April this year.

The company will now work to improve operational efficiency in both the mine and mill, with particular emphasis on improving mill recoveries, Farallon said in a statement.

“We are confident that the G-9 Mine can be sustained though this difficult metal price environment, and enable the company to prosper when metal prices inevitably recover down the road”, said Farrallon president and CEO Dick Whittington.

The G-9 polymetallic (zinc, copper, silver, gold, lead) project is part of the Campo Morado Property in Mexico.

By staff writer