Failed Boots or Liner? Install an ECS Lining System Directly on Top of a Failed System Without Service Interruption or Costly Disposal – Learn More – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |



Installation of ECS Lining System over top of failed HDPE containment, without lifting tanks or interrupting service along with nonslip walkways.


Western Engineered Containment (WEC)
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.


Restore full confidence and integrity in existing secondary containments, while eliminating the costly need to remove existing tanks, failed liner, or backfill. The ECS retrofit approach allows technicians access to tight and congested areas, where traditional sheet liner welding techniques would be impossible, and without any shut down or interruption.

There have been repetitive failings in the HDPE liner systems caused by pile boot failures from excessive settling. ECS retrofitting is the found solution to this prevalent  issue. See the link below for the testing and research findings comparing the strength of the two methods of attachment.

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The ECS Retrofit Solution

1. Technicians remove any anchor points such as mechanical connections or banding attaching the sheet liner to the containment berm and piles.

2. Any pile boots are cut down to the same height as the existing backfill, and any liner attached to the berm with a top mount liner attachment are cut down to the same height as the backfill and removed or relocated.

3. Once all existing liner is the same height as the backfill, technicians prep any piles that will be spray attached. We use a blast media to bring all metal to a near white finish while leaving a profile for proper adhesion of the ECS primer. The pile is prepped and sprayed a minimum height of 6”, resulting in a much stronger attachment point when compared to a mechanically attached ½” stainless steel band.

4. Technicians then deploy our robotically applied ECS pre-sprayed panel and roll systems throughout the entirety of the containment, and spray attach the ECS sheets to any prepped and primed areas providing a seamless lining system.

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5. Once all anchor points are attached and all ECS panels have been seamlessly fused using ECS Fusion top caps, a comprehensive QC package is prepared and submitted to the client.


Sinopec had outlined numerous high traffic areas inside the containment berms where operators were frequently required to enter the containment to perform routine daily tasks. WEC proposed a 36” wide nonslip matting be installed in the high traffic areas used by the operators. The non-slip is integrated into the ECS Lining System using the same methods and products used to install our industry leading line of ECS products. ECS integration eliminates the possibility of the walkway floating should the containment become submerged, or from general migration during snow removal and maintenance.

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Instead of completely ripping out the old pile boots, liner, and having to lift tanks, you can have a cost effective and retrofitted lining system installed overtop the existing liner. Less waste, less hassle, and a seamless lining system that provides maintenance free secondary containment for years.

WEC offers a 15-year warranty with our ECS Lining System installations.


Drayton Valley


Grande Prairie

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