Every successful CEO cultivates habits and routines that infuse discipline into their daily schedules and allow them to perform at their best. While all chief executives must constantly juggle six core responsibilities (exhibit), how they prioritize them depends on a complex interplay between the business context and the CEO’s unique capabilities and preferences. How they cope with the pressures is also deeply personal.
We asked more than 100 leaders of companies around the world (the majority from Asia) who have participated in McKinsey’s Center for CEO Excellence programs to share the everyday routines that most contribute to their effectiveness in the role. We also leaned on interviews conducted for the recent McKinsey book CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest. (For more information, see sidebar, “About the McKinsey Center for CEO Excellence.”)
This compilation of everyday routines and habits is organized into six core CEO responsibilities and their accompanying mindsets. While not all practices will be applicable to every leader, and every CEO will adopt their own approach, we hope they will provide insights into the “how”—how CEOs juggle professional responsibilities, fulfill personal priorities, and maintain high performance at the same time.
For many CEOs, the journey toward excellence is paved with small habits woven into daily routines that fortify their capacity to manage their complex jobs. It can be difficult to truly incorporate these practices and microhabits, and we often default to our standard operating model. By reflecting on ways that can stretch and enhance your leadership, soliciting the advice of peers or mentors to uncover blind spots, and monitoring your progress, you can magnify your impact and become the leader you aspire to be.