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EPA to assess Alcoa mine plan

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is set to launch an assessment of Alcoa’s bauxite mining operations in the Darling Range in Western Australia.

The announcement follows the WA Government’s intervention last week to prevent a shut-down of the mine during a period of EPA assessment.

The decision has saved thousands of jobs at the operation.

EPA chair Matthew Tonts said the intervention will not impact the body’s assessment of Alcoa.

“I don’t consider that this particular legislative exemption will prevent the EPA from rigorously undertaking its assessment and providing recommendations to the Minister for Environment,” he said.

The EPA has decided to assess parts of activities documented in Alcoa’s annual rolling five-year Mining and Management Programs (MMPs).

“These proposals involve the clearing of large areas of native vegetation so there will be impacts to a range of environmental values including biodiversity and water resources,” he said.

“There is also the potential for significant cumulative impacts to the Northern Jarrah Forest.

“That’s why this longer-than-usual consultation period is appropriate for a proposal with such a high level of community interest and complexity.”

The 2022-26 MMP and 2023-27 MMP were referred to the EPA by the WA Forest Alliance earlier this year and published for a seven-day public comment period.

The EPA considered over 2500 public submissions as well as other advice obtained and has determined to assess the proposals at the level of Public Environmental Review (PER).

The EPA will consider potential impacts on flora, fauna and water catchments from clearing, climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, and social surroundings from noise, dust and visual impacts.

Tonts said the assessment would include an EPA-prepared environmental scoping document and a 10-week public consultation on Alcoa’s environmental review document.

“The EPA has also decided to conduct in-person briefings with community groups to ensure all information and concerns are captured in the assessment,” he said.

The EPA is separately considering another proposal by Alcoa to increase production at its Pinjarra refinery and transition mining at the existing Huntly Mine to the Myara North and Holyoake regions, which will be subject to public review next year.

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