Electrifying Australia

Australian Power Equipment is powering up the mining industry with a range of tried-and-true equipment.

Australian Power Equipment has been involved in the mining sector since 2020, but the company’s story begins long before that.

Dual directors Abby Crawford and Andrew Cockbain bring 60 years of combined industry experience to Australian Power Equipment, which has a long history of developing some of Australia’s largest companies.

According to Crawford, Australian Power Equipment’s low-, medium- and high-voltage solutions have made a significant impact since their launch into the sector.

“We work with our clients to review their scope of work and provide power solutions that fit their requirements, or frequently create better outcomes for their site,” Crawford told Australian Mining.

These solutions herald from Australian Power Equipment’s partnership with industry brands such as cable manufacturer Üntel, substation leader WE Walters, and switchgear provider Leistung Energie, and B&D Transformer.

Australian Power Equipment’s low-, medium- and high-voltage solutions have made an impact since their launch.
Image: Australian Power Equipment

As agents of these globally-recognised brands, Crawford said Australian Power Equipment is well positioned to draw on their expertise to take on any challenge its mining customers may face.

“We recently travelled to Istanbul to meet with Üntel’s cable manufacturing team,” she said. “Our goal was to work together to create an enhanced cable product with a harder sheath, as well as a flexible conductor that was more suitable to the harsher conditions of a particular mine site in Western Australia.

“The outcome was a superior Australian and International Electrotechnical Commission standard-compliant product with a longer operational cycle that reduces replacement timelines, increases availability to the mine, and is even more sustainable.”

While working to innovate new products is part and parcel of Australian Power Equipment’s commitment to delivering quality to its customers, the company is also focused on extending the life of existing products.

“We have a considerable listing of second-hand and refurbished stock which we can provide in a short timeframe for sale or hire, helping our clients looking to get power back on quickly,” Cockbain told Australian Mining.

When new power equipment is manufactured to specifications, it can understandably have an extensive production and shipping turnaround time, often in excess of 40 weeks.

One of Australian Power Equipment’s key strengths is its ability work with clients that require an accelerated solution through its critical sourcing services.

Whether new or used equipment, Cockbain emphasised Australian Power Equipment’s sourcing as being invaluable to customers with urgent requirements.

“We have been able to provide a switchroom in 12 weeks by overhauling second-hand equipment,” he said. “This enabled the client to meet their production requirements and significantly reduce operating costs.

“We also utilise our in-stock products to provide a short-term solution while new power equipment is being manufactured and shipped through short-term rental, again enabling an end client to get power on quickly.”

A critical drive breakdown is a major challenge for Australia’s mine sites, with unplanned shutdowns impeding production and coming at huge costs to operators.

“Time and time again, we have been able to source parts and have them delivered to site as an expedited solution,” Cockbain said.

Australian Power Equipment prioritises nurturing shared goals and values with its supply chain, and working with them to create sustainable pathways.

“Our relationships with our supply chain mean we can focus on ensuring products are always of the highest quality and comply with all Australian and international regulations,” Crawford said.

“We also provide ongoing support to customers in developing improvements and solutions for specific site requirements.”

It’s this commitment to ensuring customers’ needs are met into the future that Crawford said is a key pillar of the Australian Power Equipment brand.

“Customer service is our most valued offering,” she said. “We’re an agile team providing intelligent solutions to help our customers meet their goals.”

This feature appeared in the July 2024 issue of Australian Mining.