Companies offered acreage for CO2 storage in the North Sea.

London, June 21 2024 , (Oilandgaspress) –– Six companies have been offered exploration licences to store CO2 in four areas in the North Sea.

The authorities have reviewed applications from eight companies following announcement of two suitable acreage in March 2024.

“We see great interest from the companies and find it gratifying that four offers are now being sent out. This is the highest number of offers that have been sent out simultaneously”, says Hilde Braut, assistant director for new industries.

The six companies that have received offers are:


Equinor ASA

Lime Petroleum AS

OMV (Norge) AS

PGNiG Upstream Norway AS

Vår Energi ASA

This is the sixth time acreage has been awarded for CO2 storage pursuant to the CO2 Storage Regulations.

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