CAOEC Will Partner With the AB Government to Launch the Alberta Drilling Accelerator – Canadian Energy News, Top Headlines, Commentaries, Features & Events – EnergyNow

Canadian Association Of Energy Contractors

The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC) will partner with the Alberta Government to launch the Alberta Drilling Accelerator (ADA).

Today, CAOEC joined the Honourable Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, executives from Eavor Technologies Inc., Indigenous leaders, the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA), and officials from Brazeau County, to launch the Alberta Drilling Accelerator (ADA).

The ADA will provide a technology-agnostic, market-driven test site to support the creation of novel drilling techniques and technologies within the geothermal, critical minerals, helium, and carbon capture and storage sectors. It will be the first of its kind in Canada, firmly establishing Alberta as a global leader in new drilling technology commercialization and exports.

“Canada is home to the most advanced drilling technology in the world. Not only do our members support the responsible development of oil and gas, but we are integral in the extraction of new energy resources, like geothermal and critical minerals. Our workers are at the epicentre of Canada’s energy transformation. Our people, technology, and processes are leading the way towards a more diverse energy future. The Alberta Drilling Accelerator is a government-enabled policy approach to expand Alberta’s drilling capacity and reach its full potential as the world’s most diverse and technologically advanced producer and exporter of sustainable energy and critical minerals,” said Mark Scholz, CAOEC President & CEO.

Alberta will join other global jurisdictions with similar test sites to research new drilling techniques and technologies. For example, the United States’ Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE), Germany’s Continental Deep Drilling Programme, and the Iceland Deep Drilling Project, are used to research and develop technologies for use in the geothermal industry.

“Alberta is poised to become a leading exporter of innovative drilling techniques that enable the widespread commercial adoption of geothermal globally. Alberta’s oil and gas sector provides the labour expertise and drilling assets required to bring geothermal technologies to scale,” said Jeanine Vany, Eavor’s Executive Vice-President of Corporate Affairs.

The ADA reflects the Alberta Government’s commitment to establishing the province as a new energy hub promoting technology development and global adoption to augment its net-zero 2050 ambitions and energy security. Alberta’s oil and gas sector positions the province as the ideal jurisdiction to scale innovative drilling methods by leveraging an unparalleled labour pool and drilling assets to advance new drilling applications.

“CAOEC applauds the Alberta Government’s leadership and investment in the Alberta Drilling Accelerator, and looks forward to continued collaboration in establishing the province as a world-class destination for drilling innovation,” said Scholz.


The Canadian Association of Energy Contractors (CAOEC) represents 95 land drilling, offshore drilling, and service rig member companies on the frontlines of energy security and transformation. They operate a fleet of 385 drilling rigs and 715 service rigs in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Atlantic Canada. CAOEC’s members are varied and diverse, and include many small- and medium-sized enterprises that have been leaders in creating opportunities for young people, Indigenous communities, and middle-class workers.

For more information, contact:

An Tran – Communications Specialist
Canadian Association of Energy Contractors
Phone: (403) 264-4311 ext. 118

Jeanine Vany – Executive Vice-President, Corporate Affairs
Eavor Technologies Inc.
Phone: (403) 465-4761

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