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Canadian Gas Industry Announces New Methane Management Coalition – Canadian Energy News, Top Headlines, Commentaries, Features & Events – EnergyNow

Today, the Canadian Gas Association and the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (CEPEI) are pleased to announce the Canadian Methane Management Coalition (CMMC or the “Coalition”).

Under the direction of industry champions Mike Rose, President and CEO of Tourmaline Oil Corp., and Michele Harradence, Executive Vice President & President, Gas Distribution and Storage, Enbridge Gas Inc., the Coalition will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to build on Canada’s position as a global leader in reducing methane emissions from across the natural gas value chain.

Methane is the main component in the natural gas delivered to Canadians – delivery that accounts for nearly 40% of Canada’s energy end use, serving the interests of over 25 million Canadians in their homes, businesses and industries each day. The Canadian gas industry from extraction through delivery works to ensure the entire system is as emission-free and efficient as possible.

The Coalition will work to profile and support advanced methane measurement, detection, mitigation, and capture solutions that can be deployed at scale in Canada. Its work will include the sharing of information and best practices that will deliver the next wave of methane emission reduction. Of significance is that the effort will build on the exciting work of Canada’s first Emissions Testing Centre (ETC) in Alberta, an industry-led initiative with government and academic support that tests new technologies and is now emerging as a Canadian Centre of Excellence for methane technology.

“By championing the formation of a Canadian Methane Management Coalition, we unite diverse players under a common goal: to evolve the future of our natural gas value chain. Together, we are committed to continual reduction, ensuring Canada’s methane footprint diminishes with each step, echoing our dedication to a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable energy future”, said Michele Harradence, Executive Vice President & President, Gas Distribution and Storage, Enbridge Gas Inc.

“The natural gas industry has long been dedicated to reducing methane emissions and we have been making excellent progress. From 2018 to 2022, Tourmaline has reduced its methane emissions intensity by 55% while growing our production by 89%.” said Mike Rose, CEO, Tourmaline Oil Corp. “The Canadian Methane Management Coalition presents an exciting opportunity to help us go further still.”

“Methane is our core product: it is an extraordinary energy molecule delivering enormous value to Canada – affordably and reliably. The Canadian Methane Management Coalition represents another step forward in our industry’s work to ensure the product is managed in the best interests of our customers, the environment, and the economy,” said Timothy Egan, President and CEO, Canadian Gas Association.

“Through the Canadian Methane Management Coalition, we are forging a path of cooperation to build on our knowledge and understanding of methane emissions. Our efforts demonstrate our dedication to continuous improvement as an industry,” said Christine Cinnamon, Executive Director, Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (CEPEI).

Canada’s gas industry has been innovating to reduce methane emissions for decades, most recently through our Natural Gas Innovation Fund Emission Testing Centre (ETC),” said John Adams, President and CEO of NGIF Capital. “The Coalition will help shine a light on this work and build momentum to do more.”

As we look to the future, the Coalition sees several opportunities to go further in reducing methane emissions and looks forward to sharing its work and best practices with other industry partners, governments, and customers. We encourage members of the value chain to work alongside the Coalition as it advances our common goal around the reduction of emissions from the natural gas value chain in Canada.

For more information, please contact:
Meeta Singh
Director, Communications

About CGA
The Canadian Gas Association (CGA) is the voice of Canada’s gaseous energy delivery industry, including natural gas, renewable natural gas (RNG) and hydrogen. CGA membership includes energy distribution and transmission companies, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers of goods and services to the industry. CGA’s utility members are Canadian-owned and active in eight provinces and one territory. The Canadian natural gas delivery industry meets 38 per cent of Canada’s energy needs through a network of almost 584,000 kilometers of underground infrastructure. The versatility and resiliency of this infrastructure allows it to deliver an ever-changing gas supply mix to 7.6 million customer locations representing approximately two-thirds of Canadians. CGA members ensure Canadians get the affordable, reliable, clean gaseous energy they want and need. CGA is also working to constantly improve that gaseous energy offering, by driving forward innovation through the Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF).

A collaboration of Canada’s major natural gas transmission and distribution companies and on occasion industry, government, and non-government organizations. CEPEI develops technical tools, and information related to environmental management, with a focus on greenhouse gases and other air emissions, and energy efficiency to support the Canadian natural gas industry.

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