Calscan Solutions Achieves Significant Methane Emissions Reductions Through Full Electrification of Legacy Wellsites – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

Calgary, Alberta – September, 2023 – Calscan Solutions proudly announces a groundbreaking achievement in the fight against climate change by reducing methane emissions through the complete electrification of legacy oil and gas wellsites. Over the past 12 years, our Solar Ready Technologies for Oil and Gas wellsites have tirelessly worked to mitigate environmental impact, resulting in a remarkable reduction of over 200,000 tons per year of CO2 equivalent emissions. In 2024, Calscan Solutions is set to eliminate an additional 200,000 tons per year of CO2 equivalent emissions from legacy wellsites, marking a significant acceleration in the industry’s commitment to greenhouse gas reduction.

Unlike many environmental initiatives driven solely by regulatory requirements, Calscan’s methane reduction efforts have been an industry-led endeavor, supported by carbon pricing and a well-functioning offset market. Our approach not only reduces methane emissions but also lowers maintenance costs and the carbon footprint at wellsites by eliminating the need for air compressors, generators, traditional power generation, or reliance on utility power.

Calscan achieves these remarkable reductions through the implementation of cost-effective Solar Ready Electric Actuators and our patented Failsafe System. These technologies offer an economical and sustainable solution for marginal and end-of-life oil and gas wells, effectively extending their operational life with zero emissions. Calscan’s technology is designed for seamless integration and maintenance by existing local workforces, thereby supporting rural communities and enabling them to thrive.

The Alberta Government’s forward-thinking policies, including its progressive carbon offset system, have provided the ideal environment for the development of Calscan’s innovative methane reduction technologies. Calscan remains dedicated to delivering cost-effective, easy-to-implement, and reliable solutions that surpass current and anticipated environmental regulations. We have earned the trust and confidence of our customers and investors by demonstrating our ability to enhance both Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance and profitability.

Calscan Solutions is committed to leading the industry towards a sustainable future, where reducing greenhouse gas emissions goes hand in hand with economic growth and environmental stewardship.

For media inquiries and further information, please contact:

Douglas Bezpalko – Manager Technical Sales; Email:

About Calscan Solutions

Calscan Solutions is a leading innovator in the oil and gas industry, specializing in methane reduction technologies and sustainable solutions for legacy wellsites. With over a decade of experience, Calscan is dedicated to environmental excellence, economic viability, and supporting local communities. Visit our website at  for more information.

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