Antofagasta Minerals says it will reduce its emissions by half by 2035 – International Mining

Antofagasta Minerals has announced new goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions after achieving in advance the objectives it had set in 2018. As part of its decarbonisation and climate change strategy, the company has committed to reducing its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2035, compared to 2020, while also taking into account the increase in copper production expected during that period.

In addition, the Group will work together with its suppliers of goods and services to reduce projected Scope 3 emissions by 10% by 2030. And it ratified its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

“Regarding Scope 1 emissions, given that diesel consumption represents approximately 90% of this category, we are focused on identifying alternative fuel sources in conjunction with evaluating the potential to electrify our haul truck fleet. Initially, we will evaluate alternatives such as the use of trolley technology and then be able to complement it with the use of batteries, to the extent that the development of the technology allows it, and it becomes more available and economical. At the same time, we are implementing different innovations, such as the partial automation of some fleets in our mines, which will also serve to contribute to the path of electrification and decarbonisation,” said Ivan Arriagada, CEO.

With respect to Scope 3 emissions, it has been identified that the Group’s suppliers of goods and services represent more than 50% of them. For this reason, it says that work will continue on this reduction through the ‘Suppliers for a better future’ program that was launched in December 2022.

“We understand the importance of producing copper in a responsible and safe manner, in line with our purpose of developing mining for a better future, so these new goals establish a clear path that we will follow in the coming years,” said Arriagada.