AI-enhanced, autonomous drones drones to fight wars

London, 24 November 2023, (Oilandgaspress) – The Times reported that many governments, such as Austria, are urging the UN to adopt a binding resolution that would ban or limit the use of AI killer drones. Still, they are facing opposition from a group of nations, including the US, Russia, Australia, and Israel, who prefer a non-binding resolution. These weapons, also known as lethal autonomous weapons or “killer robots,” are being pursued by several countries, including the US, China, and Israel, despite the ethical and legal concerns raised by critics, who warn that such weapons could pose a grave threat to humanity and international security.

The Pentagon is reportedly developing a network of hundreds or even thousands of AI-enhanced, autonomous drones that could be rapidly deployed near China in the event of conflict. These drones would carry surveillance equipment or weapons and would be used to take out or weaken China’s extensive network of anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems along its coasts and artificial islands in the South China Sea. This development could potentially be a major shift in military strategy.

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