Kingsway Instruments is excited to share Fluke’s Do More in 2024 Promo valid from March 11 – June 30, 2024.
Buy Fluke tools and get free gear! Redeem Fluke branded gear or tools when you make a qualifying purchase of $680.00 or more with Kingsway Instruments, Canada’s Most Trusted Fluke Store!
With over 15 products to choose from 6 tiers there is no better time to buy Fluke at Kingsway Instruments.
Click here to view the Fluke Do More in 2024 Promo
Choose from multimeters, clamp meters, and process meters, to Fluke Networking tools and more!
What’s next?
Contact Kingsway Instruments to get a quote on Fluke tools today! We offer one of the largest stocked inventories of Fluke Tools in Canada with competitive pricing and NIST Calibration Certificates.
Phone: 1-866-KINGSWAY (546-4792)
Kingsway Instruments is Canada’s Most Trusted Calibration Lab and Test Equipment Supplier for Electrical, Dimensional, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature and Torque equipment. For over 50 years, we have provided Sales, Rentals, and Calibration services to customers across Canada. Kingsway is a proud distributor of Fluke, Megger, Crystal, Ralston, Additel, Flir, Starrett, Mitutoyo, Stanley Proto, Alkitronic, and other premium industrial brands.
Our ISO 9001 certified calibration lab provides NIST traceable certificates, with astonishingly fast turnarounds no competitor can touch and meticulous work by seasoned technicians, using the most advanced calibration equipment. No long hold times, no robots. Talk to someone who can help you—including the technician working on your measurement instrument.
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